Improving the designing of marine tethered systems using the principles of shipbuilding 4.0
- 1. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
This paper considers the issues and theoretical aspects related to improving the design of maritime tethered systems (MTSs) with flexible links (FLs) using underwater towed systems (UTSs) as an example. That allows them to be used in the early stages of design by implementing the principles of Shipbuilding 4.0 and BIM technologies. Such regimes have not previously been described by existing mathematical models (MMs). The expected result of the current study is a significant decrease in the cost of different resources. At the same time, the basic reliable results of design solutions could be obtained already in the early stages of design.
The theoretical basis of the proposed method for improving the design of MTS with FL is the improved design concept (IDC) for MTS with FL while the tool base of the method is a special modeling complex (SMC). The use of IDC along with SMC at the research (pre-prototype) design phase reduces the number of MTS design stages.
The proposed method to improve the design of MTS with FL, based on the MM that notates the dynamics of MTS FL and MTS with FL, makes it possible to investigate different modes of operation of almost all MTS classes. That allows devising the recommendations for predicting possible operational loads in order to design their elements. At the same time, there is an opportunity to improve the existing methods for calculating and designing MTS with FL with the required properties and parameters, and to bring them to the level of engineering application.
The application of SMC at the pre-prototype design stage makes it possible to avoid the use of physical modeling of the operational regimes of MTS with FL associated with the full-scale testing on the high seas
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