Published April 11, 2011 | Version v1
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FIGURE 1 in The genus Balbisia (Vivianiaceae, Geraniales) in Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile


FIGURE 1. Comparison of Balbisia verticillata and B. meyeniana. A, flowering branch of B. verticillata (N Puquina, Moquegua, Weigend & Baldárrago 9367). B, mature plant of B. meyeniana (S Puquina, Moquegua, Weigend & Baldárrago 9366). C, foliage of B. verticillata during the dry season (San Antonio de Yarabamba, Arequipa, Weigend et al. 9204). D, foliage of B. meyeniana (Omate, Moquegua, Weigend & Ackermann 9266). E, leaves and flowers of B. verticillata, moist conditions (north of Puquina, Moquegua, Weigend & Baldárrago 9367). F, flower bud of B. meyeniana, note the red sepals and weakly branched epicalyx (Omate, Moquegua, Weigend & Ackermann 9266).


Published as part of Weigend, Maximilian, 2011, The genus Balbisia (Vivianiaceae, Geraniales) in Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile, pp. 47-56 in Phytotaxa 22 (1) on page 51, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.22.1.4,



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