Published September 10, 2010 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

Cederberg Ant Data

  • 1. Stellenbosch University


Project manager:

  • 1. School of Biological Science, Clayton Campus, Monash University


The Coast to Karoo Transect investigates the abundance and diversity of ants and beetles along an altitudinal gradient in the Cederberg mountains of the Western Cape, South Africa. It is a long term project, initiated in 2002 by Prof. S.L. Chown, Stellenbosch University. Data collection is carried out on a biannual (spring and autumn) basis.


To monitor changes in invertebrate assemblages, focusing on ants and beetles.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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  1. C·I·B team members may request access to long-term data;
  2. Access will be granted at data owner's discretion.

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