Published May 18, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

The Variability of SIMP 0136 as Measured by the PINES Analysis Toolkit

  • 1. Boston University
  • 2. Perkins Telescope Observatory
  • 3. American Museum of Natural History
  • 4. University of Washington
  • 5. University of California, San Diego


The Perkins Infrared Exosattelite Survey (PINES) is a ground-based search for transiting exosatellites (planets and moons) orbiting L and T type dwarfs. To extract light curves and search for transiting satellites in PINES data, the PINES team developed a custom data reduction pipeline called the PINES Analysis Toolkit (PAT), optimized for wide-field infrared images.  I applied PAT to archival data of SIMP J013656.5+093347 — a known variable T2.5 type dwarf with rotation period ~2.4 hours. The PINES Analysis Toolkit revealed more detailed structure in the object’s light curve than was previously found, including a periodic feature at half of the known rotation period. Moving forward, objects in the PINES sample will be analyzed using the PINES Analysis Toolkit. The results from SIMP J013656.5+093347 provide evidence that variability signatures can be extracted from the PINES data.



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