Symptoms, Features of Diagnosis and Preventive Measures During the "Second Wave" COVID-19 in Residents of the Kyrgyz Republic
- 1. Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
- 2. Osh State University
The results of our study show that the respondent’s perception of large-scale social changes associated with the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection in the Kyrgyz Republic has a number of features. A sufficient level of awareness of the respondents about the symptoms of the disease, the ways of transmission of the virus, and measures to prevent the spread of infection are combined with an underestimation of the situation (17.2%). The majority (66.6%) of the respondents lived in Bishkek. The survey was held among 247 people, most of whom were women (57.3%) and young people (35.9±14.9 years). Every fourth participant in the study is a chronic tobacco smoker (24%). Less than half (47.3%) of the respondents were engaged in intellectual work. Among the respondents, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 were loss of taste or smell, fever, headache, muscle ache, cough, sore throat. Every third (28.4%) respondent was referred to X-ray, CT scan. PCR and ELISA studies were carried out, respectively, by 22.5% and 10.9%.
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