Experimentation Framework for Wireless Communication Systems under Jamming Scenarios Dataset
Data files were used in support of the research paper titled "“Experimentation Framework for Wireless
Communication Systems under Jamming Scenarios" which has been submitted to the IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications journal.
Authors: Marko Jacovic, Michael J. Liston, Vasil Pano, Geoffrey Mainland, Kapil R. Dandekar
Contact: krd26@drexel.edu
Top-level directories correspond to the case studies discussed in the paper. Each includes the sub-directories: logs, parsers, rayTracingEmulation, results.
logs: - data logs collected from devices under test
- 'defenseInfrastucture' contains console output from a WARP 802.11 reference design network. Filename structure follows '*x*dB_*y*.txt' in which *x* is the reactive jamming power level and *y* is the jaming duration in samples (100k samples = 1 ms). 'noJammer.txt' does not include the jammer and is a base-line case. 'outMedian.txt' contains the median statistics for log files collected prior to the inclusion of the calculation in the processing script.
- 'uavCommunication' contains MGEN logs at each receiver for cases using omni-directional and RALA antennas with a 10 dB constant jammer and without the jammer. Omni-directional folder contains multiple repeated experiments to provide reliable results during each calculation window. RALA directories use s*N* folders in which *N* represents each antenna state.
- 'vehicularTechnologies' contains MGEN logs at the car receiver for different scenarios. 'rxNj_5rep.drc' does not consider jammers present, 'rx33J_5rep.drc' introduces the periodic jammer, in 'rx33jSched_5rep.drc' the device under test uses time scheduling around the periodic jammer, in 'rx33JSchedRandom_5rep.drc' the same modified time schedule is used with a random jammer.
parsers: - scripts used to collect or process the log files used in the study
- 'defenseInfrastructure' contains the 'xputFiveNodes.py' script which is used to control and log the throughput of a 5-node WARP 802.11 reference design network. Log files are manually inspected to generate results (end of log file provides a summary).
- 'uavCommunication' contains a 'readMe.txt' file which describes the parsing of the MGEN logs using TRPR. TRPR must be installed to run the scripts and directory locations must be updated.
- 'vehicularTechnologies' contains the 'mgenParser.py' script and supporting 'bfb.json' configuration file which also require TRPR to be installed and directories to be updated.
rayTracingEmulation: - 'wirelessInsiteImages': images of model used in Wireless Insite
- 'channelSummary.pdf': summary of channel statistics from ray-tracing study
- 'rawScenario': scenario files resulting from code base directly from ray-tracing output based on configuration defined by '*WI.json' file
- 'processedScenario': pre-processed scenario file to be used by DYSE channel emulator based on configuration defined by '*DYSE.json' file, applies fixed attenuation measured externally by spectrum analyzer and additional transmit power per node if desired
- DYSE scenario file format: time stamp (milli seconds), receiver ID, transmitter ID, main path gain (dB), main path phase (radians), main path delay (micro seconds), Doppler shift (Hz), multipath 1 gain (dB), multipath 1 phase (radians), multipath 1 delay relative to main path delay (micro seconds), multipath 2 gain (dB), multipath 2 phase (radians), multipath 2 delay relative to main path delay (micro seconds)
- 'nodeMapping.txt': mapping of Wireless Insite transceivers to DYSE channel emulator physical connections required
- 'uavCommunication' directory additionally includes 'antennaPattern' which contains the RALA pattern data for the omni-directional mode ('omni.csv') and directional state ('90.csv')
results: - contains performance results used in paper based on parsing of aforementioned log files
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