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Published 2021 | Version v1.4
Software Open

Connectivity Assessment Tool 1.4 (CAST1.4)

  • 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


CAST1.0 provides quantitative metrics of effective hydrological connectivity. CAST1.0 was developed using MATLAB, based on a geostatistical analysis script. This geostatistical analysis approach quantifies the probability of connection between each pixel at a specified distance and enables the characterization of spatial-temporal patterns of connected objects that can be used to interpret transitions and thresholds in flow processes.

CAST1.4 has fixed the following bugs:

    1. When the study area changes, the XY Coordinate System of the output image always remains as "WGS 1984 UTM Zone 50N". With the fix, the output image will automatically adjust the coordinate projection type according to the input image and prioritize consistency with the coordinate projection type specified in Pre-processing.

    2. When the study area is irregularly shaped, the maximum distances for computing CF values in W-E, N-S, and NW-SE (NE-SW) directions were the same. With the fix, the maximum distance for the real study area will be calculated based on the row and column numbers of the input image.

    3. The extent of CF and CONNOB are inconsistent with ROI.

    NOTE: If you have any other suggestions for improving CAST1.4, please contact Zhiqiang Tan from Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Email:


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