Published May 6, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

DARE Deliverable D6.4: Pilot Tools and Services, Execution and Evaluation Report II


This deliverable reports on the structure of a second seismological test case in the EPOS framework, the Moment Tensor in 3D (MT3D) analysis, and on its implementation in the latest DARE platform release. Moreover, structure and implementation of a new test case (VC) for the additional volcanology EPOS community are presented. The main DARE components, with corresponding configuration parameters, required for the implementation and execution, are also summarised. Finally, the deliverable reports on the training evaluation events organised by WP6 to present to the reference EPOS communities the pilots’ development and execution using the DARE platform. It also focuses on the gathered feedback and suggestions in order to assess the platform usability and utility for present and future scientific applications.


D6.4 Pilot Tools and Services, Execution and Evaluation Report II.pdf

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European Commission
DARE – Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures 777413