Published May 5, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
A replacement name for Acrapex albicostata Hampson, 1916 (Lepidoptera Noctuidae)
Prins, Willy De (2021): A replacement name for Acrapex albicostata Hampson, 1916 (Lepidoptera Noctuidae). Zootaxa 4966 (4): 497-500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4966.4.10
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- Beccaloni, G., Scoble, M., Kitching, I., Simonsen, T., Robinson, G., Pitkin, B., Hine, A. & Lyal, C. (2003) The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- De Prins, J. & De Prins, W. (2011-2021) Afromoths, online database of Afrotropical moth species (Lepidoptera). World Wide Web electronic publication. Available from: (accessed 13 April 2021)
- Edwards, E.D. (1996) Noctuidae. In: Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, R.V. (Eds.), Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Vol. 4. Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. CSIRO, Canberra, pp. 291-333.
- Gaede, M. (1934-1940) Noctuidae. In: Seitz, A. (Ed.), Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine Systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. IIe Abteilung: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Afrikanischen Faunengebietes. XV. Band: Eulenartige Nachtfalter. Alfred Kernen Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 30-358, pls. 5-41. Available from: https://www. (accessed 14 April 2021)
- Hampson, G. F. (1894) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Moths. Vol. 2. Taylor & Francis, London, xxi + 609 pp. Available from: (accessed 13 April 2021)
- Hampson, G.F. (1910) Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the collection of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). IX. Noctuidae. The Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, xiv + 552 pp. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- Hampson, G.F. (1916) On moths of Somaliland. In: Poulton, E.B. On a collection of moths made in Somaliland by Mr. W. Feather. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Londo n, 1916 (1), 91-182, pls. 1-2. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4th Edition. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 306 pp. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- Lee, T.R.C., Anderson, S.J., Tran-Nguyen, L.T.T., Sallam, N., Le Ru, B.P., Conlong, D., Powell, K., Ward, A. & Mitchell, A. (2019) Towards a global DNA barcode reference library for quarantine identifications of lepidopteran stemborers, with an emphasis on sugarcane pests. Scientific Reports, 9 (7039), 1-19. Available from: (accessed 13 April 2021)
- Lower, O.B. (1905) Description of New Australian Lepidoptera with synonymic notes. Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia, 29, 173-180. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- Lucas, R. (1910) Zweite Liefering (Ausgegeben im Juni 1910) Lepidoptera. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 72 (2), 2, 477-652. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)
- Poole, R.W. (1989) Noctuidae. In: Heppner, J.B. (Ed.), Lepidopterorum Catalogus. New Series. Fasc. 118. Parts 1, 2 & 3. E. J. Brill, Leiden, New York, Copenhagen and Koln, pp. i-xii + 1-500 + 501-1013 + 1015-1314.
- Sharp, D. (1906) XIII. Insecta. The Zoological Record Volume the forty-second being records of zoological literature relating chiefly to the year 1905. The Zoological Society of London, 342 pp. Available from: page/51536571 (accessed 10 April 2021)
- Sharp, D. (1919) XII. Insecta. The Zoological Record Volume the fifty-third being records of zoological literature relating chiefly to the year 1916. The Zoological Society of London, 264 pp. Available from: page/51526408 (accessed 14 April 2021)
- Warren, W. (1913) 2. Familie: Noctuidae. In: Seitz, A. (Ed.), Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. II. Abteilung: die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Indo-australischen Faunengebietes. XI. Band: Eulenartige Nachtfalter. Verlag des Seitz'schen Werkes, Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart, 496 pp, 56 pls. Available from: (accessed 10 April 2021)