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Published September 7, 2023 | Version 5 (arxiv v.3)
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Earth as a time crystal: macroscopic nature of a quantum-scale phenomenon exposes quantum physics as tidally-resonantly localized to host star

  • 1. Geophysics Online


Claims of mass-extinction periodicity are many and so controversial that superimposing such published Phanerozoic (0-541 My) periods renders life on Earth impossible. This hunt for evidence of life recurrence coincided with geochronology modernization, tying geological timescales to orbital frequencies, which enabled the separation of astronomical signals from any harmonics. I then use Shannon’s theory-based Gauss-Vaniček spectral analysis as one such separation technique on diverse data (geomagnetic polarity, cratering, extinction episodes) as a proxy of planetary paleodynamics to show that many-body subharmonic entrainment induces planetary resonant response to astronomical forcing, such that the 2π-phase-shifted axial precession p=26 ky and its Pi=2πp/i; i=1,…,n harmonics are resonantly responsible for the paleodata periodicity. This quasiperiodic nature of strata is co-triggered by a p'/4-lockstep to p'=41-ky obliquity. For verification, the analysis of residuals after suppressing 2πp (and so Pi) in the GPTS-95 timescale calibration of reversals at the South Atlantic Anomaly, extending to end-Campanian (0-83 My), successfully detected weak signals of Earth-Mars planetary resonances reported previously from older epochs. The only residual signal is 26.5-My Rampino period — the carrier wave of crushing deflections and transformative polarity reversals. While the Earth resonant response (2πp, Pi) to orbital forcing is the long-sought energy transfer mechanism of the Milankovitch theory, fundamental system properties — 2π-phase-shift, ¼ lockstep to a forcer, and discrete time translation symmetry (multiplied/halved periods) — typical of a quantum time crystal, emerge macroscopic. The surprising cross-scale outcome confirms previous claims that planetary precession is a cataclysmic geodynamic phenomenon, proposed previously as the mechanism for the reversals and Earth’s expansion. As the Earth-Moon-Sun resonant system sets the tone for all subscale resonances like the quantum, quantum physics in any interpretation is fundamentally different and variable outside Earth’s vicinity.


• Quantum physics is a localized manifestation of higher-order tidal resonance constrained by host stellar systems
• Thus fundamentals of quantum physics vary significantly from one stellar/planetary system to another
• Earth-Moon-Sun as a measure-preserving dynamical system exposes Earth as 1st macroscopic time crystal found
• First direct (computational) evidence of a fundamental relation between macroscopic and quantum dynamics
• Time crystal is formed by many-body entrainment whose precession resonance moderates (geo)magnetic polarity
• The 26.5-My Rampino period isolated as the carrier wave of geomagnetic polarity reversals and strata decimation
• Milankovitch theory of climate change now gets its long-sought, orbit-downward energy transfer mechanism
• Hotly debated geological theory of expanding Earth, dismissed over the lack of mechanism, now appears credible
• First application of Shannon's theory-based Gauss-Vaniček Spectral Analysis (GVSA) in global paleogeodynamics
• GVSA revolutionizes physics by computing nonlinear global dynamics directly (obsoletes classical approximations).



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