Published May 1, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Listening comprehension difficulties in English language


Abstract: In today's our modern world everybody accepts that listening is one of the most important skills in second language acquisition. When listening to a second language, many language students face listening difficulties. Second language learners have significant problems in listening comprehension because of the fact that schools pay  more  attention  to  structure,  writing,  reading  and  vocabulary.  Listening  is  not  important  parts  of many course books or syllabus and most teachers do not attach importance to listening while preparing their lesson plan. A great number of teachers believe that it will develop naturally within the language learning process and they  will  learn  unconsciously.  Actually  there  are  number  of  listening  barriers  based  on  message,  delivery, audience and environment. Teaching and drilling listening strategies ease students listening comprehension.


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