Published March 31, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Research of the activities of the enterprises of the perfume and cosmetic industry of Ukraine
- 1. National University of Pharmacy
The perfumery and cosmetic industry of Ukraine is distinguished by its dynamic development and makes a significant contribution to the country's economy. Several types of economic activities are involved in its functioning, including the development, research, production and sale of perfumery and cosmetic products, as well as the provision of cosmetic services to the population. The economic activity of each sector in the chain of creation, production and sale of cosmetic products / services determines both their individual success and the efficiency of the entire system as a whole. In this regard, the systematization and analysis of the indicators of economic activity of enterprises of each type of activity of the national cosmetic industry is an urgent task, the solution of which will reasonably determine the prospects for both the further development of this industry and the export potential of the Ukrainian economy as a whole.
The aim of this work was to conduct a comprehensive study of the dynamics of the main indicators of Ukrainian enterprises of perfumery, cosmetic and related industries economic activity for the period 2010–2019 and determination of their development trends. The available data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the Patent Office of Ukraine, as well as a database of scientific and professional publications publications were used as materials and methods. Retrospective, logical, research methods, as well as the method of content analysis were used.
The results of a comparative analysis of the main indicators of the economic activity of business entities in the studied industry made it possible to establish trends in the development of this sector of the economy and substantiate the patterns observed at the present stage.
Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the production potential of the perfumery and cosmetic industry in Ukraine is promising, as well as significant opportunities for further development of the trade in these products and the provision of cosmetic services to the population.
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