Published July 13, 2024 | Version v3.0.9
Software Open

gwpy/gwpy: GWpy 3.0.9

  • 1. Cardiff University Gravity Exploration Institute (@cardiffgravity)
  • 2. Northwestern University
  • 3. Cal State at Fullerton
  • 4. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • 5. Université Paris Cité
  • 6. University of Liège
  • 7. Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • 8. @gitlabhq
  • 9. LIGO Lab - Caltech
  • 10. Gitter


GWpy 3.0.9 - patch release

This release fixes a few bugs and resolves compatibility issues with the latest releases of NumPy and SciPy.


  • [#1616] Support parsing multiple FFL files for a single dataset
  • [#1637] Remove redundant usetex test function
  • [#1641] Add tests for
  • [#1747] Fix argument reuse bug in gwpy.cli
  • [#1749] Add Virgo 'HoftOnline' as a preferred frametype
  • [#1753] Fix usage of Hann window for Scipy 1.13.0
  • [#1755] Fix test failure with Zenodo rate limit
  • [#1760] Fix array copy compatibility with numpy 2
  • [#1762] Fix usage of Scipy firwin
  • [#1763] Fix usage of Scipy trapezoid in gwpy.astro
  • [#1764] Improve error handling when reading GWF with LALFrame
  • [#1765] Add extra unit alias for 's'

The full details of this milestone can be seen at



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