Published April 14, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Podisus graziae Brugnera, Roell & Lemaitre 2021, sp. nov.

  • 1. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Zoologia, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Agronomia, 91501 - 970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
  • 2. Department of Life Sciences, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, UK.


Podisus graziae Brugnera, Roell & Lemaître, sp. nov.

(Figs 10–12, 19–21, 28–30, 36–37, 43–45, 51–52, 55–57)

Holotype. Male. Labels: BRASIL, RS, São Domingos do Sul, Santa Gema, 28°33’32’’S, 51° 50’11’’W. 14-16 vii 2017. Pano de batida. J. Avendaño, R. Brugnera & V. Castro col.. (MZSP) (Figs 10–l2)

Paratypes. BRAZIL: Paraná, 1♀, Curitiba, 12-III-year?, D. H. Habeck, col., (JEE); Santa Catarina, Seara [Nova Teutônia], 1♀, 27°11’S, 52° 23’ L, 06-XIII-1948, F. Plaumann col., (AMNH); São Lourenço, 20 mi. W, 28-II- 1980, D.B. Thomas col., (DBTC); Rio Grande do Sul 10 ♂, 10 ♀, same data as holotype (UFRGS); 3 ♂, 3♀ same data as holotype (MZSP); ♂, Maquiné, Fepagro, I-2006, (MCNZ); PARAGUAY: Alto Paraná, 3 ♀, 21-23-X-1989, G. Arriagada col., (JEE).

Etymology. We are pleased to dedicate this new species to Dr Jocelia Grazia (UFRGS) in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the knowledge of the Heteroptera, especially to that of Neotropical Pentatomoidea, the passion for which she has, over the years, graciously communicated to her many grateful students.

Type locality. Brazil

Diagnosis. Anterolateral margins of pronotum calloused, crenulated, paler than disc; humeral angles angular, without a posterior tooth, directed laterally. Apex of scutellum concolourous with disc (Figs 10, 19, 21). Apices of parameres obtuse (Figs 28–30, 36). Posterior margins of valvifers VIII slightly sinuous, posterior angles obtuse (Fig. 51).

Description. Body length 10.57–11.07 mm (♀) and 8.00–9.70 mm (♂).

Body castaneous, anterior half of lateral margins of pronotum forming a marginal wide carina, lighter than rest of pronotum. A thin central line mostly without punctures or lighter than rest of dorsum extends from anterior margin of pronotum to posterior margin of scutellum (Figs 10, 19, 21, 55–57).

Head subrectangular, mandibular plates uniformly punctured, clypeus as long as or slightly surpassing apex of mandibular plates; ocelli lying behind an imaginary line through posterior margins of compound eyes; antennal tubercles partially visible from above, proportion of antennomeres: I<II>III<IV>V (Figs 10, 19, 21); bucculae evanescent posteriorly, apex rounded; labium extending to posterior margin of metasternum, proportion of labiomeres: I<II>III>IV (Figs 11, 20).

Pronotum hexagonal, uniformly punctured; cicatrices flat; anterior and lateral margins concave in dorsal view, lateral margins slightly crenulated and lighter than disc on anterior half, anterior half of lateral margins preceded by a marginal sulcus; humeral angles angular, slightly produced. Scutellum longer than wide, reaching an imaginary line connecting fifth connexives medially; frenal margins longer than post frenal margins. Coria longer than scutellum, each attaining abdominal segment IV, uniformly punctured; hemelytral membranes well surpassing apex of abdomen, with apex spotted in brown (Figs 10, 19, 21). Pro-, meso- and metasterna covered by small thin setae; prosternum with a weak median carina; mesosternum carinated longitudinally; limit between mesosternum and metasternum tumid; metasternum flat. Pro-, meso-, and metapleura sparsely punctured, evaporatoria on posterior margin of each mesopleura; metapleural evaporatoria surrounding each ostiolar peritreme; each ostiolar peritreme discal-type, elongated, with a darker spot on apical angle; each ostiolar opening directed laterally (Figs 11, 20).

Abdomen sparsely punctured, posterolateral angles of each connexivum projected as small spines, longer on seventh segment. Mesial tubercle projecting from sternite III not surpassing metacoxae (Figs 11, 20).

Male. Without glandular patches on ventral surface of abdomen.

Genitalia. Pygophore bowl-shaped, opened posteriorly, setose, setae denser on ventral rim (Figs 28–30); dorsal rim concave with 1+1 dorsal projections near segment X (Fig 28, dr, dp) ventral rim concave, with 1+1 small ventral projections near posterolateral angles (Figs 29, 30, vr, vp, pa); surface between inferior and superior layers of ventral rim excavated (Fig. 29, 30, il, sl). Posterolateral angles acute (Figs 28–30, pa). Segment X tubular, ventrally directed. Head of parameres divided into two arms, each apex obtuse, well visible posteriorly (Figs 28–30, 36, par). Pseudoclasper C-shaped, outer margins sinuous, placed dorsolaterally to parameres, with globose projections and elevations (Figs 28–30, 37, pc). Phallus. Basal theca and thecal shield subequal in length, thecal shield slightly wider than basal theca (Figs 43–45), vesica golf club-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 44, v), apices of conjunctival lobes without sculptures (Figs 43–45, cl).

Female. Genitalia. Genital plates positioned ventroposteriorly (Fig. 20); valvifers VIII subtriangular, posterior margins slightly sinuous, posterior angles obtuse, sutural margins straight, juxtaposed (Fig. 51, vf 8). Laterotergites VIII triangular with spiracles on proximal angle (Fig. 51, la 8). Exposed portion of valvifers IX rectangular, wider than long (Fig. 51, vf 9). Exposed portion of laterotergites IX tongue-like (Fig. 51, la 9), surpassing segment X, and almost attaining mediotergite VIII. Segment X subquadrate (Fig. 51, X). Inner portion of valvifers IX projected in 1+1 straight elongated arms with acute apices (Fig. 52, vf 9). Valvulae IX with 1+1 small lunate secondary thickenings (Fig. 52, tva 9). Ring sclerites inconspicuous, small, circular, placed posteriorly to thickening of vaginal intima (Fig. 52, rs, tvi); thickening of vaginal intima short, obtuse (Fig. 52, tvi); arcus placed anteriorly of thickening of vaginal intima (Fig. 52, ar). Vesicular area almost 2.5 times longer than length of pars intermedialis plus capsula seminalis (Fig. 52, va, pi, cs). Inner and median ducts of vesicular areas of uniform diameter (Fig. 52, id, md), outer duct constricted basally (Fig. 52, od). Pars intermedialis tubular, shorter and narrower than capsula seminalis; capsula seminalis oval, elongated, smooth (Fig. 52, pi, cs). Proximal and distal annular crests of similar width (Fig. 52, pa, da).

Distribution: Brazil (South), Paraguay.

Remarks. The external morphology of P. graziae resembles that of P. ventralis. Neither species have a paler spot on the post-frenal lobe of the scutellum (Figs 16, 19) and both present parameres with obtuse apices (Figs 34, 36). However, the female external and internal genitalia are very different; in P. ventralis, the posterior margins of valvifers VIII are strongly sinuous, forming a V-projection on the posterior angles over valvifers IX (Fig. 49), while in P. graziae these posterior margins are slightly sinuous, with obtuse posterior angles (Fig. 51); the vesicular area is longer in P. ventralis than in P. graziae (Figs 50, 52), and the outer duct of the vesicular area is constricted only in P. graziae (Fig. 52). Besides that, these two species are allopatric in the Neotropical region; P. ventralis can be found in the northern regions of South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador), while P. graziae is distributed in the southern regions (Brazil, Paraguay).


Published as part of Roell, Talita, Brugnera, Ricardo & Lemaître, Valérie A., 2021, Lost and found-Discovery of the presumed lost type of Arma pallipes Dallas new synonymy and description of two new species of Podisus Herrich-Schäffer (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae), pp. 570-584 in Zootaxa 4958 (1) on pages 576-578, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4958.1.33,


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Collection code
Event date
1980-02-28 , 1989-10-21 , 2017-07-14
Scientific name authorship
Brugnera, Roell & Lemaitre
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1980-02-28 , 1989-10-21/23 , 2017-07-14/16
Taxonomic concept label
Podisus graziae Roell, Brugnera & Lemaître, 2021