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Published April 16, 2021 | Version v1
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  • 1. Alagappa University


OER is using in several ways in educational settings, and scholars and practitioners have coined unique names for these methods. "A collection of things to do around educational layout and execution of events and procedures meant to assist learning," for example, is how open educational practices represent. They also include creating, using, and repurposing Open Educational Resources (OER) and their adaptation to the context. We have a description of open educational practices and a collection of relevant dimensions in this paper. We explain how they were derived, based primarily on an extensive survey and OER case studies study. The article concentrates on three points: It begins by providing a working description of open educational practices and explains how a better understanding of OEP will improve educational quality and innovation. Second, it discusses how adopting more "accessible" strategies to educational practices could affect academic quality. Finally, the results are summarised, as well as how the various stakeholders affect open educational practices. The open-source group motivated the available education movement, which aimed to increase access to information through free, open content. The implicit aim was to provide fair access to the world's poor and advantaged populations – or, as MIT put it, to establish a "shared intellectual Common." The growing interest in MOOCs, open courseware, and particularly open textbooks propelled available education to new heights since its inception in the early 2000s; however, many instructors have never heard of open educational resources (OER) today. This chapter has provided a brief overview of OER's, why they use, and their movement. In the next chapter, we will review some items you should keep in mind when adopting or creating an OER for the first time.



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  • M.Mahendraprabu,K.SathishKumar,M.Mani,P.SaravanaKumar,"OpenEducationalResourcesandtheirEducationalPracticesinHigherEducation,"MuktShabdJournal,vol.10,no.2,pp.527–540,Feb.2021,doi:10.0014.MSJ.2021.V10I2.0086781.118753.
  • ManiMookkiah,Mahendraprabu,Kalaiyarasan,Ramnath,Sasikumar,SathishKumar,Sathyaraj(2021)YOGABASEDINTERVENTIONSTRATEGIESINACCELERATINGSELF-EFFICACYAMONGPRIMARYSCHOOLTEACHERS.ElementaryEducationOnline,20(4),794-805.doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2021.04.85
  • Kumar,K.S.(2017).NationalConferenceinEducationandEmpowermentofWomenwithDisabilitiestowardsSustainableDevelopment.InDEFIANCEOFWOMENWITHDISABILITY(1sted.,Vol.1,pp.30–32).