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Published April 13, 2021 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Restricted

Open-Datasets, MICS-ANN model: acceleration of the temperature field computation around ground heat exchangers considering groundwater advection by artificial neural network

  • 1. Hokkaido University


# Open-Datasets, MICS-ANN model: acceleration of the temperature field computation around ground heat exchangers considering groundwater advection by artificial neural network

An open-datasets related to the article of "MICS-ANN model: acceleration of the temperature field computation around ground heat exchangers considering groundwater advection by artificial neural network".

## Contact

Yutaka Shoji  
Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan

## Associated article

Shoji, Y., Katsura, T., & Nagano, K. (2021). MICS-ANN model: acceleration of the temperature field computation around ground heat exchangers considering groundwater advection by artificial neural network. (Submitted to Renewable Energy, under review)

## Contents

For detailed description, see the

Yutaka Shoji [2021.04.13]


Acknowledgement This work is based on results obtained from a project, JPNP14017, subsidized by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).



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The article associated with this data set is currently in the process of double-blind peer review.

Therefore, only the journal reviewers currently have access to this dataset.

Once peer review is complete, the dataset will be open.

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