Published January 28, 2014 | Version v1
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Conference papers at mid-term and final conference

  • 1. Goethe University
  • 2. Utrecht University
  • 3. Utrecht
  • 4. University of Trento
  • 5. Zurich University
  • 6. Central European University
  • 7. University of Oxford


With the Open Conference ‘Being a Citizen in Europe’ in Zagreb (Croatia, 29-30 June 2015) external scholars were invited to connect to the bEUcitizen-project and to explore theoretical foundations and political as well as practical realities of today’s European citizenship. The structuring idea was to highlight potential core barriers towards EU citizenship and to do so by way of conceptual discussions as well as empirical analyses mapping a variety of citizenship practices in the EU. This was reflected in four thematic streams gathering contributions from both external and bEUcitizen researchers. The streams reflected on different kinds of barriers, conceptual and practical ones. They revolve around the normative promise of citizenship, the diversity of practices and possible paths of future development.

