Published April 8, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Recommendation on use of wind lidars

  • 1. Geophysical Institute and Bergen Offshore Wind Centre, University of Bergen, Norway
  • 2. University of Stuttgart
  • 3. ForWind - University of Oldenburg
  • 4. Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems
  • 5. University of Stavanger
  • 6. Technical University of Denmark
  • 7. University of Porto
  • 8. Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
  • 9. UL International GmbH
  • 10. Vaisala
  • 11. Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Meccanica


This report intends to provide an introductory reading and gives a short introduction into the basic
principles, as well as an overview on the practical application of lidar wind measurement technology for a
wide range of research fields, including a corresponding literature review. Wherever possible, it will also give
recommendations on the use of lidars and related best practices, and provide corresponding state-of-the-art
documents in the attachment.


LIKE-D4.1-Recommendation on use of lidars_final_doi.pdf

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European Commission
LIKE – LIdar Knowledge Europe 858358