Published March 22, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eupronoe maculata Claus 1879

  • 1. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal, Av. del Centenario Km. 5.5, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, 77014, Mexico. rgasca @ ecosur. mx
  • 2. Laboratorio de Invertebrados Bentónicos, Unidad Académica Mazatlán, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad


Eupronoe maculata Claus, 1879

Eupronoe maculata Claus, 1879: 28; Siegel-Causey, 1982: 272; Vinogradov et al., 1996: 447 (key), 448, fig. 194; Gasca et al., 2010: 933; Gasca et al., 2012:126; Lavaniegos & Hereu, 2009: 147, 142 (table 1), 152 (Appendix 1); Lavaniegos, 2014: 5‒8 (passim), 4 (table 1).

Material examined. 19M and 26F from 15 stations (Fig. 2). TALUD I. St. 6 (23°15’54”N, 107°31’12”W), December 12, 1989, 1F, BO, from surface to 1550 m (TD> 2000 m) (ICML-EMU-12762-A). TALUD III. St. 3B (22°36’36”N, 106°35’54”W), August 17, 1991, 4 F, I-K from surface to 275 m (TD ND) (ICML-EMU-12762-B); St. 19 (25°12’00”N, 109°07’00”W), August 20, 1991, 1M, 3F, I-K from surface to 410 m (TD 920 m) (ECO- CH-Z 10365); St. 19B (25°18’24”N, 109°18’36”W), August 20, 1991, 3M, 1F, I-K from surface to 600 m (TD 1890 m) (ECO-CH-Z 10366); St. 25A1 (25°51’00”N, 109°57’00”W), August 21, 1991, 4M, 9F, I-K from surface to about 200 m (TD 1280–1360 m) (ICML-EMU-12762-C); St. 25A2 (25°50’54”N, 109°56’54”W), August 21, 1991, 1M, I-K from surface to 230 m (TD 1250–1328 m) (ICML-EMU-12762-D). TALUD IV. St. 25 (24°54’N, 108°58’W), August 26, 2000, 2F, BS, from surface to 778‒800 m (ICML- EMU-12763-A); St. 36 (25°51’59”N, 110°11’00”W), August 27, 2000, 1F, MN, from surface to 1000 m (TD 2100 m) (ICML-EMU-12763-B). TALUD V. St. 29 (25°14’36”N, 109°24’15”W), December 17, 2000, 1 F, MN, 1290 m (TD 2040 m) (ICML-EMU-12764-A); St. 36 (25°54’30”N, 110°11’24”W), December 17, 2000, 1M, 2F, MN from surface to 1340 m (TD 1990 m) (ICML- EMU-12764-B). TALUD VI. St. 7 (22°21’39”N, 107°01’42”W), March 14, 2001, 1M, MN from surface to 1305 m (TD 2100 m) (ICML-EMU-12765-A); St. 29 (25°16’24”N, 109°24’54”W), March 16, 2001, 4M, MN from surface to 1440 m (TD 2080 m) (ICML-EMU-12765-B). TALUD VII. St. 15 (23°25’06”N, 107°46’54”W), June 7, 2001, 1M, 1F, MN, 1425 m (TD 2320 m) (ECO-CH-Z-10367); St. 22 (24°20’56”N, 108°55’42”W), June 7, 2001, 1M, MN, from surface to 1415 m (TD 2000 m) (ECO-CH-Z-10368); St. 36 (25°42’37”N, 110°04’35”W), June 9, 2001, 1F, MN, from surface to 1390 m (TD 2400 m) (ICML-EMU-12766). TALUD X St. 7 (27°53’09”N, 112°16’42”W), February 10, 2007, 2M, MN from surface to 900 m (TD 1191 m) (ICML-EMU-12767).

Distribution. Cosmopolitan. In the eastern Pacific it has been recorded off the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula (Lavaniegos & Hereu 2009; Lavaniegos 2014, 2017), in the Gulf of California, off Jalisco and Colima, western Mexico, and off Ecuador (Brusca & Hendrickx 2005; García-Madrigal 2007; Gasca et al. 2012).

Remarks. In the Gulf of California E. maculata has been reported between 29°02’N, 112°47’W and 23°15’N, 108°22’W as a common species (Siegel-Causey 1982). Our material was recorded from the central (northernmost record at 27°53’09”N) and southern Gulf, south to 22°21’39”N (Fig. 1). Its occurrence off Jalisco and Colima was observed when “El Niño” conditions were present in the area (Gasca et al. 2012), thus suggesting that it might be associated to warmer water than its congener E. minuta, at least in this region. Adult E. maculata reach a total length of 8‒12 mm. This species can be distinguished from E minuta by its possession of a pereopod I fourth segment narrower than the fifth, the carpal process of pereopod II not being massive, but tapering to a distal point, and the telson tip with slightly concave sides.


Published as part of Gasca, Rebeca & Hendrickx, Michel E., 2021, Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) in western Mexico. 2 Family Eupronoidae, pp. 419-430 in Zootaxa 4948 (3) on pages 421-422, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4948.3.6,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
CH-Z 10365, ECO-CH-Z 10366
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Eupronoe maculata Claus, 1879 sec. Gasca & Hendrickx, 2021


  • Claus, C. (1879) Die gatungen und Arten der Platyscelidae in systematischen Ubersicht. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Instituten Wien, 2, 5 - 43 + 147 - 198.
  • Siegel-Causey, D. (1982) Factors determining the distribution of hyperiid Amphipoda in the Gulf of California. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 535 pp.
  • Vinogradov, M. E., Volkov, A. F. & Semenova, T. N. (1996) Hyperiid amphipods (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) of the world oceans. Oxonian Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 632 pp.
  • Gasca, R., Suarez-Morales, E. & Franco-Gordo, C. (2010) New records of hyperiids (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from surface waters of the central Mexican Pacific. Crustaceana, 83 (8), 927 - 940. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 001121610 X 504298
  • Gasca, R., Franco-Gordo, C., Suarez-Morales, E. & Godinez-Dominguez, E. (2012) Hyperiid amphipod community in the Eastern Tropical Pacific before, during, and after El Nino 1997 - 1998. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 455, 123 - 139. [http: // www. int-res. com / abstracts / meps / v 455 / p 123 - 139 /] https: // doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 09571
  • Lavaniegos, B. E. & Hereu, C. (2009) Seasonal variation in hyperiid amphipod abundance and diversity and influence of mesoscale structures off Baja California. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 394, 137 - 152. https: // doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 08285
  • Lavaniegos, B. E. (2014) Pelagic amphipod assemblage associated with subarctic water off the West Coast of the Baja California Peninsula. Journal of Marine Systems, 132, 1 - 12. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. jmarsys. 2013.12.012
  • Lavaniegos, B. E. (2017) Changes in composition of summer hyperiid amphipods from a subtropical region of the California Current during 2002 - 2008. Journal of Marine Systems, 165, 13 - 26. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. jmarsys. 2016.09.001
  • Brusca, R. C. & Hendrickx, M. E. (2005) Cap. 12. Crustacea 4. Lophogastrida, Mysida, Amphipoda Tanaidacea & Cumacea. In:
  • Garcia-Madrigal, M. S. (2007) Annotated checklist of the amphipods (Peracarida: Amphipoda) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Contributions to the study of East Pacific Crustaceans, 4 (2), 63 - 195.