Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cochylidia multispinalis Sun & Li, 2012, sp. nov.


Cochylidia multispinalis sp. nov.

(Figs. 8, 17, 24)

Type material. CHINA: Holotype 3, Hebei Province: Dongling Forest Farm, Zunhua City (40°12ʹN, 117°36ʹE), 120 m, 7.vii.2001, leg. Yanli Du and Shulian Hao, genitalia slide No. SYH11253.

Paratypes: 43, same data as for holotype. Hebei Province: 23, Guoying Forest Farm, Luannan County (39°30ʹN, 118°40ʹE), 29 m, 4.vii.2001, leg. Yanli Du and Shulian Hao. Heilongjiang Province: 33, Mt. Kalun, Heihe City (50°14ʹN, 127°29ʹE), 120 m, 25−26.vii.1997, leg. Houhun Li; 23, Heihe City, 170 m, 26.vii.1997, leg. Houhun Li. Anhui Province: 13, Wenquan Town, Yuexi County (30°52ʹN, 116°22ʹE), 27.vii.1995, leg. Xiangfu Hu, 1Ƥ, 25.vii.1996; 13, Mozitan, Huoshan County (31°24ʹN, 116°19ʹE), 12.viii.2004, leg. Jiasheng Xu and Jialiang Zhang. Hunan Province: 13, Cangxi Town, Xinhua County (27°44ʹN, 111°18ʹE), 8.viii.2004, leg. Yunli Xiao. Guangdong Province: 23, 2Ƥ, Dawuling Nature Reserves, Xinyi City (22°21ʹN, 110°56ʹE), 1000 m, 10.viii.2003, leg. Dandan Zhang; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 1Ƥ, Xiangbei Town (24°39ʹN, 108°39ʹE), Yizhou City, 169 m, 18−19.viii.2011, leg. Shulian Hao and Yinghui Sun; 1Ƥ, Liusanjie Town (24°32ʹN, 108°40ʹE), Yizhou City, 169 m, 19.viii.2011, leg. Shulian Hao and Yinghui Sun. Sichuang Province: 13, Baoxing County (30°22ʹN, 102°50ʹE), 1100 m, 5.viii.2004, leg. Yingdang Ren. Guizhou Province: 23, Suoluo Nature Reserves, Chishui City (28°34ʹN, 105°42ʹE), 240 m, 21.ix.2000, Haili Yu; 93, 1Ƥ, Xiannvdong Nature Reserves, Daozhen County (28°53ʹN, 107°36ʹE), 17.viii.2004, leg. Yunli Xiao. Gansu Province: 23, Dangchuan Forest Farm, Tianshui (34°37ʹN, 105°42ʹE), 1331 m, 30.vii.2006, leg. Xinpu Wang and Xiangfeng Shi.

Description. Adult (Fig. 8) wingspan 9.0−12.0 mm. Vertex and frons yellowish white. Antenna dark yellowish brown, mixed with brownish black. Labial palpus slightly longer than diameter of compound eye, yellowish brown mixed with brownish black on outer surface, yellowish white on inner surface; third segment almost concealed in the second. Thorax and tegula grayish brown to brownish black, sparsely mixed with yellowish brown. Forewing with costal margin nearly straight; apex protruded; termen bluntly rounded, somewhat oblique. Ground color yellowish white; costal margin with a narrow brownish black stripe from base to median fascia; median fascia extending obliquely from basal 3/5 of costal margin to basal 1/3 of dorsum, yellowish brown mottled with brownish black scales; subapical fascia from near apex to before tornus, inconspicuous; pretornal spot black, placed at distal 1/3 of dorsum; cilia pale yellowish brown. Hindwing and cilia pale gray. Fore- and midlegs brownish black, tinged with yellowish brown; hindleg yellowish brown. Abdomen grayish brown.

Male genitalia (Fig. 17). Socius erect, about same length as median process of transtilla, densely setose, separated on distal half. Median process of transtilla short, about 1/3 length of costal arm of valva, dentate on ventral surface, blunt at apex. Valva strongly sclerotized; costal margin concave inward; ventral margin straight, about 1/2 length of costal margin; apex obliquely straight, dorsal corner protruded, ventral corner broadly rounded; costal arm of valva about same length as costal margin, gradually narrowed from distal 1/3 to apex, with tiny spines on inner edge, haired on outer edge. Juxta nearly semicircular, concave on posterior margin. Phallus about two times length of costal arm of valva, stout at base, distal 1/3 thorn-shaped; cornuti consisting of a row of unequally lengthened thorns, a cluster of tightly arranged short and thin spines, and one weakly sclerotized and stout process composed of cluster tiny spines, about 1/4 length of phallus.

Female genitalia (Fig. 24). Papilla analis slightly shorter than apophysis posterioris. Apophysis posterioris about same length as apophysis anterioris and three times length of its basal plate. Sterigma weakly sclerotized, nearly V-shaped, extending backwards from lateral side of ostium bursae. Ostium bursae narrowly channel-shaped, with a small sclerotized process on posterior margin. Ductus bursae broad and short, strongly sclerotized posteriorly, wrinkled; ductus seminalis arising from posterior part of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae nearly rounded, almost same length as ductus bursae, with narrow wrinkles.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to C. richteriana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1837) both superficially and morphologically, but C. multispinalis can be distinguished by the median process of transtilla about 1/3 the length of the costal arm in the male genitalia; and the ostium bursae with a small sclerotized process on the posterior margin and the corpus bursae about the same length as the ductus bursae in the female genitalia. In C. richteriana, the slender median process of the transtilla is about 2/3 the length of the costal arm in the male genitalia; and the ostium bursae lacks the sclerotized process on posterior margin, and the corpus bursae is about two times length of the ductus bursae in the female genitalia.

Distribution. China (Anhui, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Sichuan).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix multi-, meaning many, and spinalis, meaning spinate, referring to the phallus having many spine-shaped cornuti.


Published as part of Sun, Yinghui & Li, Houhun, 2012, Review of the genus Cochylidia Obraztsov (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Cochylini) in China, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 3268 on pages 7-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.213209


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Cochylidia multispinalis Sun & Li, 2012


  • Fischer von Roslerstamm, J. E. (1837) Abbildungen zur Berichtigung und Erganzung der Schmetterlingskunde, besonders der Microlepitopterologie als Supplement zu Treitschke's und Hubner's europaeischen Schmetterlinge, mit erlauterndem Text Abbildungen Schmettkde (Leipzig), 61 - 102, pl. 31 - 40.