Published April 2, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open



In the article we study the notions of «lack» and «desire» as a part of the notion of «absence» on the example of the novel by S. D. Dovlatov’ s «Craft». The first part of the book («Invisible Book») was studied.
The notion of «lack» and the notion of «absence»can be expressed with the help of the same linguistic means as negation. The notion of «lack»can be a semantical synonym of the notion of «absence» because we may replace lack to absence but the opposite way is impossible.
In «The Invisible Book», numerous representations of the notion of «absence» help to embody the main idea of the story ‒ the lack of opportunity to publish for talented writers. Most of the analyzed examples demonstrate the predominant expression of the notion of «absence» by verbs, which can be explained by the demonstration of forced professional inaction of the author.
All the examples are divided into two groups: those in which the notion of «absence» is expressed by negative particles or prefixes; and those in whose semantics «absence» is already embedded. Linguistic analysis shows that the notions of «lack» and «desire»can be correlated with the notion of «absence» depending on the material representatives. This problem is insufficiently studied and requires further investigation.



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