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Published April 2, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open



A source of poetic language evolution is something new in an epoch. The emergence of the montage principle in literature at the beginning of the ХХth century was the result not only of the rapid technological advances but also the outcome of historical changes in other spheres. Some new techniques and methods that appeared at that time entered the poetic tradition and became widely used by the poets of subsequent generations. Thus, there are some typical features in the individual style of B. Slutskii that are characteristic of poet-futurist V. Maiakovskii style. The montage principle is among these features. The goal of the work was to analyze the language means as a basis of creation montage in the poem of B. Slutskii «Dream». The study of the lexical and morphological level of this verse makes it possible to draw the conclusion that montage principle is realized mainly at this level. The most significant morphological features for creating montage in this lyric text are the verb grammatical categories of transitivity, tense and aspect. Juxtaposition of the verb with the other part of speech in the work neutralizes its lexical meaning. Due to this fact the lyric text acquires a profound effect



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  • Grigor'ev, V.P. (Ed.). (1990). Ocherki istorii yazyka russkoi poezii XX veka. Poeticheskii yazyk i idiostil': Obshchie voprosy. Zvukovaya organizapiya teksta / V.P. Grigor'ev, I.I. Kovtunova, O.G. Revzina i dr. Moscow: Nauka, 1990. 304 s. [in Russian].
  • Koloda, D.V. (2011). Poeticheskii sintaksis Yuriya Levitanskogo: realizatsiya printsipa kinematografichnosti: dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.02. Khar'kov, 206 s. [in Russian].
  • Raushenbakh, B.V. (Ed.). (1988). Montazh: Literatura. Iskusstvo. Teatr. Kino: sb. nauchn. statei. Moscow: Nauka, 1988. 240 s. [in Russian].
  • Skorobogatova, E.A. (2012). Grammaticheskie znacheniya i poeticheskie smysly: poeticheskii potentsial russkoi grammatiki (morfologicheskie kategorii i leksiko-grammaticheskie razryady imeni): Monografiya. Khar'kov: NTMT, 480 s. [in Russian].
  • Slutskii, B.A. (1991). Sobranie sochinenii v 3 t. T. 1. Stikhotvoreniya 1939-1961/Vstup. st., sost. s nauch. podgot. teksta, komment. Yu. Boldyreva. Moscow: Khudozh. lit., 1991. 542 s. [in Russian].