It is known that any language reflects and preserves the cultural world of the language group. On the example of the Chinese language, this statement is most confirmed. The graphic image of the character derives from the pictorial sign, which is based on a drawing. This allows us to talk about the relationship between writing and meaning. By studying the original writing of the Chinese characters, it is possible to learn about the way of life of the ancient Chinese. The article provides an analysis of the characters that contain gender-labeled graphemes in their structure that allows a better understanding of gender roles in ancient times. The example of the grapheme "woman" states that, despite the change in cultural norms, the change in the social role of women in the modern Chinese society, respect for them by men, graphic writing remains unchanged. The invariability of the structure of written signs in Chinese gives us reason to conclude that the grapheme level is the most stable compared to other levels, and therefore gender, despite all social and linguistic changes, is unchanged at the grapheme level of the Chinese language.
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Additional details
- Dondokov, D. (2018) Genderno markirovannye edinicy v sovremennom kitajskom jazyke. Problemy sovremennoj filologii i lingvodidaktiki, 9, 31-39. Retrieved: https://www.academia.edu/44122511/ГЕНДЕРНО_МАРКИРОВАННЫЕ_ЕДИНИЦЫ_В_СОВРЕМЕННОМ_КИТАЙСКОМ_ЯЗЫКЕ
- Kirilina, A.( 2000) Gendernye aspekty jazika i kommunikacii. Diss dok.fil nauk.
- Permjakova, O., Garanovich, M. (2009) Gendernaja stilistika. Perm': Perm. gos. un-t.
- Pruckih, A. (2003). Strukturno-semanticheskij analiz ieroglifov s kljuchom "zhenshhina" Diss kand. fil nauk.
- Li Guoying (1996) Xiao zhuan zhong de xing sheng zi. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press