Published March 23, 2021 | Version 1.1
Dataset Open

Paratransgenesis - Candidate Chassis for iGEM USP-Brazil 2017

  • 1. Ronin Institute



A selection of organisms of interest for paratransgenetic approaches, curated as part of the preparation of iGEM USP-Brazil for iGEM in 2017. For more information, check the project wiki:


  • organism: The species (or other taxon) of the candidate chassis to be engineered.
  • DOI: The DOI identifier of the main reference regarding this chassis.
  • relation with host: The ecological relation of the chassis with its host. 
  • host: The arthropod species in which the chassis can live.
  • disease: The diseases that could be targeted by engineering this chassis.
  • genetic amenability: Roughly, how amenable to genetic engineering the organism seems to be. 
  • evidence of horizontal transmission: Roughly, the degree of evidence on the chassis passing from adult organisms to each other. 
  • evidence of vertical transmission: Roughly, the degree of evidence on the chassis passing from adult organisms to their prole. 
  • stability in midgut (or targeted organ):  Roughly, how stable the organism is in the arthropod host. 

Column names followed by "_QID" hold the Wikidata IDs relative to that column.

Google Sheets 


The release of this curation effort and its integration to Wikidata was supported by grant #2019/26284-1 from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

