Published December 18, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Capitetragonia Pearse 1953


Capitetragonia Pearse, 1953

DIAGNOSIS (modified from Markham, 1985a): Female: All body segments distinct. Head extended and produced anterolaterally; barbula with two pairs of lateral projections, both longer than wide; maxilliped lacking palp. Five or seven oostegites; oostegite 1 approximately as wide as long, extended into posterolateral projection at least 1/5 of total length; coxal plates absent. Pleon of five or six pleomeres divided by deep notches along both sides; four pairs of flaplike biramous pleopods; no uropods.

Male: Body less than three times as long as broad, sides subparallel. Head, pereomeres, and pleon distinct. No midventral tubercles. Pleon fused, margins undulate, wider than adjacent pereomeres, much shorter than wide; five pairs of uniramous, flap like pleopods; no uropods.

TYPE SPECIES: Capitetragonia asperotibialis Pearse, 1953 (= Bopyrus alphei Richardson, 1900).

OTHER SPECIES: Capitetragonia elliptica (Markham, 1992), n. comb.

REMARKS: Markham (1985a) erected Probopyria for the single species Bopyrus alphei Richardson, 1900. He examined the syntypes of Capitetragonia asperotibialis Pearse, 1953 (USNM 93720, see Pearse, 1953), and concluded they were conspecific with B. alphei. One of us (CBB) has also examined these syntypes and we concur with Markham’ s (1985a) conclusion as to this synonymy. However, because the type species of Capitetragonia and Probopyria are synonyms of each other, the correct name for the genus must be Capitetragonia, while the correct name for the type species is Capitetragonia alphei (Richardson, 1900).

Capitetragonia elliptica (Markham, 1992), n. comb.

Probopyria elliptica Markham, 1992a: 283– 285, figs. 6–7 [Hong Kong, infesting Alpheus malleodigitus (Bate, 1888)]; Li, 2003: 140, 153, 158.


HOSTS AND LOCALITIES: Infesting Alpheus malleodigitus (Bate, 1888) (Alpheidae), Hong Kong.

REMARKS: Markham (1992a) provisionally placed this species in Probopyria because the female has seven pairs of oostegites, known only in two other species of bopyrines (see Remarks under Septembopyrina, n. gen.), while the type species has the more usual five pairs. The male is much more similar, although that of P. elliptica has one fewer pleomere.


Published as part of An, Jianmei, Boyko, Christopher B. & Li, Xinzheng, 2015, A Review Of Bopyrids (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) Parasitic On Caridean Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From China, pp. 1-85 in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2015 (399) on pages 45-46, DOI: 10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1,


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Capitetragonia Pearse, 1953 sec. An, Boyko & Li, 2015


  • Pearse, A. S. 1953. Parasitic crustaceans from Alligator Harbor, Florida. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 15: 187 - 243.
  • Markham, J. C. 1985 a. A review of the bopyrid isopods infesting caridean shrimps in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to those collected during the Hourglass Cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 8: 1 - 156.
  • Richardson, H. 1900. Synopses of North-American Invertebrates. VIII. The Isopoda. - Part II. Asellota, Oniscoidea, Epicaridea. American Naturalist 34: 295 - 309.
  • Markham, J. C. 1992 a. Second list of additions to the Isopoda Bopyridae of Hong Kong. In B. Morton (editor), The marine flora and fauna of Hong Kong and southern China III. Proceedings of the Fourth International Marine Biological Workshop: the marine flora and fauna of Hong Kong and southern China, Hong Kong, 11 - 29 April 1989: 277 - 302. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
  • Bate, C. S. 1888. Report on the Crustacea Macrura dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 1876. Reports on the Scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Zoology 24: i- xc, 1 - 918, 927 - 942, pls. 1 - 148.
  • Li, L. 2003. Hong Kong' s isopods. In B. Morton (editor), Perspectives on marine environmental change in Hong Kong and southern China, 1977 - 2001. Proceedings of an International Workshop Reunion Conference, Hong Kong 21 - 26 October 2001: 137 - 166. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.