Published March 15, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Centropomus poeyi Chavez 1961

  • 1. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará, Brazil
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Instituto del Mar del Perú, Laboratorio Costero de Tumbes, Zorritos, Peru & Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
  • 4. Departamento de Biologia Estruturual e Funcional, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil


Centropomus poeyi Chávez, 1961

(Figure 16)

Centropomus poeyi Chávez, 1961: 75 (original description; Mexico)

Type. USNM 196622, 233 mm SL (Fig. 16), loc.: Mexico.

The holotype determined by Chávez (1961) is a 230 mm SL specimen deposited in Estación de Biologia Marina, Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz, Mexico (EBMTV 235). However, the type specimen and 15 of 27 paratypes were lost (Rivas 1986). The neotype (USNM 196622) designated by Rivas (1986) is a 233 mm SL specimen from Mexico, deposited in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle.

Diagnosis. Centropomus poeyi differs from its congeners as follows:

Western Atlantic: from C. undecimalis, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 66–75), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on the first arc (vs 8–11), 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 11–14), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. irae, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 79–96), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on the first arc (vs 7–8), 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 11–13), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. parallelus, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 64–70), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on the first arc (vs 10–13), pelvic fin not reaching the anus (vs pelvic fin usually reaching the anus), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. ensiferus, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 48–58), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on the first arc (vs 10–15), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. pectinatus, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 47–52), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arc (vs 14–16), 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 20–23), pelvic fin not reaching the anus (vs pelvic fin reaching the anus), second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11), anal fin with III,7 (vs III,8).

Eastern Pacific: from C. nigrescens, by having 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arch (vs 8–9); 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 11–14), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. viridis, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 67–75), and 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 14–15); from C. armatus, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 47–59), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arch (vs 11–12); the longest anal-fin spine not reaching caudal-fin base when adpressed (vs longest anal-fin spine reaching caudal-fin base), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. robalito, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 47–59), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arch (vs 14–17); 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 21–25), the longest anal-fin spine not reaching caudal-fin base when adpressed (vs longest anal-fin spine reaching caudal-fin base), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11); from C. unionensis, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 46–52), and 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arch (vs 10–14); from C. medius, by having 69–74 scales on lateral line to caudal-fin base (vs 53–65), 9–12 lower limb gill rakers on first arch (vs 14–16); 15–18 gill rakers on first arch (vs 18–23), anal fin with III,7 (vs III,8), and second dorsal fin with I,9 (vs I,11).

Distribution. Centropomus poeyi occurs along the coast of Mexico, from Tampico (Tamaulipas) to Frontera (Tabasco). Centropomus poeyi and C. irae have the most restricted distributions when compared to Western Atlantic congeners.

Remarks. No specimens of Centropomus poeyi were directly examined in the present study. Diagnosis and distribution were based on Chávez (1961) and Rivas (1986).

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Total length (TL); Standard length (SL); Body height (BH); Caudal peduncle height (CPH); Caudal peduncle length (CPL); Caudal peduncle width (CPW); Body width (BW); Distance from snout to pectoral fin (SPecF); Distance from snout to pelvic fin (SPelF); Distance from snout to dorsal fin (SDF1); Distance from snout to anal fin (SAF); Head length (HL); Head height (HH); Distance from snout to anterior orbit (SAO); Orbital diameter (OD); Orbital height (OH); Distance from orbit to gill membrane (OGM); First dorsal-fin base length (D1BL); Second dorsal-fin base length (D2BL); Total dorsal-fin base length (TDBL); Longest spine of first dorsal fin length (SDL); Pelvic fin length (PelL); Longest spine of pelvic fin length (SPL); Anal-fin base length (ABL); Longest spine of anal fin length (SBL); Pectoral fin length (PecL); Mouth width (MW); Upper jaw length (UJL); Lower jaw length (LJL); Distance from maxillary to center of mouth (MCM); Protractile membrane base height (PBH); Interorbital distance (ID).

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Total length (TL); Standard length (SL); Body height (BH); Caudal peduncle height (CPH); Caudal peduncle length (CPL); Caudal peduncle width (CPW); Body width (BW); Distance from snout to pectoral fin (SPecF); Distance from snout to pelvic fin (SPelF); Distance from snout to dorsal fin (SDF1); Distance from snout to anal fin (SAF); Head length (HL); Head height (HH); Distance from snout to anterior orbit (SAO); Orbital diameter (OD); Orbital height (OH); Distance from orbit to gill membrane (OGM); First dorsal-fin base length (D1BL); Second dorsal-fin base length (D2BL); Total dorsal-fin base length (TDBL); Longest spine of first dorsal fin length (SDL); Pelvic fin length (PelL); Longest spine of pelvic fin length (SPL); Anal-fin base length (ABL); Longest spine of anal fin length (SBL); Pectoral fin length (PecL); Mouth width (MW); Upper jaw length (UJL); Lower jaw length (LJL); Distance from maxillary to center of mouth (MCM); Protractile membrane base height (PBH); Interorbital distance (ID).


Published as part of Figueiredo-Filho, Jessé Miranda De, Marceniuk, Alexandre P., Feijó, Anderson, Siccha-Ramirez, Raquel, Ribeiro, Giovana S., Oliveira, Claudio & Rosa, Ricardo S., 2021, Taxonomy of Centropomus Lacépède, 1802 (Perciformes: Centropomidae), with focus on the Atlantic species of the genus, pp. 301-338 in Zootaxa 4942 (3) on pages 327-331, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.3.1,


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  • Chavez, H. (1961) Estudio de una nueva especie de robalo del Golfo de Mexico y redescripcion de Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch) (Pisc., Centropom.). Ciencia, 21 (2), 75 - 83.
  • Rivas, L. R. (1986) Systematic review of the perciform fishes of the genus Centropomus. Copeia, 3, 579 - 611. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1444940