Published March 15, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Odontoscelio agnieleae Veenakumari & Mohanraj 2021, sp. nov.

  • 1. National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, P. B. no. 2491, Hebbal, Bengaluru, India 560024.


Odontoscelio agnieleae Veenakumari sp. nov. 537CB22A-1229-4EE6-BD24-769208D50EA5

Figs 1–2


This species is closest to O. apperti, but can be differentiated from it by the following characters: presence of a horn on T1, A3 and A4 subequal in length and T3 medially punctate; in O. apperti: T1 without horn, A3 more than 2 × the length of A4, and T3 medially longitudinally costate on anterior half, smooth with setigerous punctae on posterior half.


This species is named in honour of Dr Agnièle Touret-Alby, Curator, MNHN.

Material examined

Holotype INDIA • ♀; Rajasthan, Udaipur, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT); 24°36′02″ N, 73°44′21″ E; alt. 583 m; 23 Sep. 2016; YPT; ICAR-NBAIR P3963.

Paratypes INDIA – Rajasthan • 3 ♀♀; Udaipur, Badagaon, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), 24°38′11″ N, 73°40′48″ E; alt. 178 m; 24 Sep. 2016; YPT; ICAR-NBAIR P3964 to P3966 • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; ICAR-NBAIR P3976 • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding; ICAR-NBAIR P3999 to P4000 • 4 ♂♂; Bhilwara, Agarpura Chouraha, Suwana, KVK; 25°21′29″ N, 74°43′25″ E; alt. 398 m; 28 Sep. 2016; YPT; ICAR-NBAIR P3971 to P3974. – Karnataka • 1 ♂; Bengaluru, Hessaraghatta; 13°08′01″ N, 77°29′27″ E; alt. 859 m; 18 Jun. 2015; SN; ICAR-NBAIR P3968. – Madhya Pradesh • 2 ♂♂; Bhopal, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE); 23°18′48″ N, 77°24′27″ E; alt. 499 m; 15 Jun. 2011; YPT; ICAR-NBAIR P3969 to P3970.



BODY LENGTH. 2.72 (2.55–2.83) mm, n = 4.

COLOUR (Figs 1–2). Body black, tegula, legs, interantennal process and apical ends of lateral spines of mesoscutellum yellowish brown; anterior margin of lateral pronotal area brownish yellow; radicle, basal half of A1 and distal end of A2 yellowish brown, remainder of A1 and A2, including A3–A6, brownish black; clava darker than preceding antennomeres; mandibles yellowish brown.

HEAD (Figs 1, 2A–C, E). Head setose, 1.21 × as wide as high, 1.58 × as high as long; IOS 0.74 × head width, 1.9 × eye length; OOL> POL>LOL in ratio of 18.5: 7.2: 2.5; OOL 3.1 × OD; eye (L: W = 27.7:19.4) setose; frons anteriorly setigerous punctate, medially smooth; facial striae adjacent to medial smooth patch, decreasing in size as they progress towards centre; space between carinae smooth; interantennal process rectangular and rugose; vertex smooth with sparse punctae; ocelli not raised above surface of vertex; interocellar area smooth, sparsely setose; occiput smooth with sparse setigerous punctae; occipital carina foveate; facial striae prominent; gena smooth with sparse setigerous punctae and weak carinae; clypeus medially with a prominent longitudinal carina and transverse carinae basally, remainder smooth; length and width of antennomeres A1–A 12 in ratio of 46.2: 7.2, 7.8: 4.9, 14.1: 6.3, 13.9:6.0, 3.9: 5.0, 3.8: 5.6, 4.7: 7.9, 6.9: 8.2, 5.9: 8.7, 5.6: 8.3, 5.0: 7.9, 8.8: 6.3, respectively.

MESOSOMA (Figs 1, 2C, E). Cervical pronotal area smooth; mesoscutum (L: W = 34.2: 59.5) entirely areolate, areolae sparse medially; lateral pronotal area dorsally areolate, pronotal suprahumeral sulcus and pronotal cervical sulcus foveate, remainder smooth; netrion unevenly foveate; dorsal mesopleuron with a small rugose patch beneath tegula; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum with transverse carinae; mesepimeral sulcus foveate except in ventral ¼; femoral depression posteroventrally with elongate depressions; anteroventral mesopleuron areolate, setose; postacetabular sulcus indicated as a furrow; metapleuron anteriorly setose, with metapleural sulcus and posterodorsal metapleural sulcus foveate; ventral half of metapleuron areolate, setose; posterior margin of metapleuron with a wide spine; mesoscutellum (L: W = 18.1:41.0) with a row of cells on anterior margin, remainder areolate, with a weak median keel; metascutellum foveate and posteromedially with a spine, metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area with uneven depressions, with a short spine anterolaterally and an outward bending long spine posterolaterally. Fore wing (L:W = 160.5:52.6) and hind wing (L: W = 132.9: 29.1) hyaline.

METASOMA (Fig. 1A–B). L:W = 126.7: 66.7; T1 anteriorly smooth, with a short, smooth horn anteromedially, remainder longitudinally costate with weak foveae between costae; T2 with weak basal foveae, longitudinally costate, space between costae predominantly smooth; T3 medially punctate, submedially and sublaterally longitudinally costate with foveae between costae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; remaining tergites smooth with setigerous punctae; T1–T3 laterally setose, remaining tergites evenly setose; length and width of tergites T1–T 6 in ratio of 25.9: 20.6, 26.8: 26.4, 45.8:59.8, 14.5: 62.1, 6.0: 42.6, 7.6: 17.7, respectively.


BODY LENGTH. 2.61 (2.48–2.85) mm, n = 8.

Similar to female; length of antennomeres A1–A 12 in ratio of 31.4:7.8, 4.2: 5.8, 21.5: 6.6, 20.3:5.4, 19.7: 6.5, 22.3: 5.5, 21.3: 6.2, 20.5:6.6, 21.2: 6.2, 20.1: 5.8, 20.2: 5.7, 21.6: 5.3, respectively (Fig. 2F).


Published as part of Veenakumari, Kamalanathan & Mohanraj, Prashanth, 2021, Review of Odontoscelio Kieffer, 1905 (Platygastroidea, Scelionidae) with the description of two new species from India, pp. 51-91 in European Journal of Taxonomy 739 (1) on pages 53-56, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.739.1267,


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