Belostoma dentatum
Belostoma dentatum (Mayr, 1863)
(Figs. 1E, 5B)
Known distribution: ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires (De Carlo, 1930), Chaco (De Carlo, 1930), Corrientes (De Carlo, 1930), Entre Ríos (De Carlo, 1930), Jujuy (Morrone et al., 2004), Misiones (De Carlo, 1930), Salta (De Carlo, 1938), Santa Fé (De Carlo, 1938). BOLIVIA: unknow Departament (De Carlo, 1930). BRAZIL: Acre (Ribeiro, 2005), Amazonas (Nieser, 1975), Mato Grosso (Ribeiro, 2005), Mato Grosso do Sul (Nieser,1975), Minas Gerais (De Carlo, 1938), Pará (Nieser, 1975), Piauí (Ribeiro, 2005), Rio de Janeiro (Nieser,1975), Rio Grande do Sul (Lauck,1962), Rondônia (Nieser, 1975), São Paulo (Ribeiro, 2005), unknow State (Mayr,1863). PARAGUAY: Asunción (De Carlo, 1938), Central (Montandon, 1895), Concepción (Chernoff et al., 2001), Guairá (Nieser, 1975). PERU: Arequipa (Lauck, 1962), Junin (Ribeiro et al., 2017), Loreto (Lauck, 1962), San Martin (Lauck, 1962). URUGUAY: Artigas (Ruffinelli & Pirán,1959). VENEZUELA: unknow State (De Carlo, 1930).
Material examined: 1 female,ethyl alcohol 70%, BRAZIL, Amazonas, Grande lake,near Purus river,1854, 30.XI.1986, F.A.Peralta coll., T. M. Almeida,2014 det.; 1 female, pinned, Iranduba municipality, Marchantaria island, 26.III.1976, E. Castellon coll., T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 female, pinned, Iranduba municipality, VIII.1956, 0020907, T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 female and 2 males, pinned, Iranduba municipality, 03°17’38”S 60°04’53”W, mixed light trap, 17-24. VI.2004, F.F.Xavier Fº & L. Aquino colls., T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 female, pinned, Iranduba municipality, Catalão lake, 03°15’S 59°54’W, light trap, 03-07.XII.2001, A.M.O. Pes, C.A. Azevedo, N. Hamada & J.L. Nessimian colls., T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 male, ethyl alcohol 70%, Itacoatiara municipality, Trindade island, 03°19’29.2”S 58°44’32.7”W, A17L, 22.IX.2003, P. de Marco & N. Ferreira-Jr. colls., V. P. Alecrim det.; 1 male, pinned, Itacoatiara municipality, 21. IV.1980, 0020921, T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 male, pinned, Itacoatiara municipality, Mamoud Amed bridge, AM 010, 15-16. V.1991, C.S. Motta, F.S.A. Peralta, B. R. Teles & R. Andreazze colls., 0021019, T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 male, pinned, Manacapuru municipality, 03°36’37”S 61°17’56”W, light trap, 29.II.2004, F.F. Xavier Fº coll., T. M. Almeida,2013 det.; 1female, Manaus municipality, AM010 km 134, 10.VIII.1968, 2969, 0021059, T. M. Almeida, 2013 det.; 1 female, pinned, Manaus municipality, VIII.1956, 0020907, T. M. Almeida,2013 det.; 1 male,pinned, Manaus municipality, 01.VIII.1956, N.L. Cerqueira coll., 0020903, T. M. Almeida, 2013 det. 1 male, ethyl alcohol 70%, Pará, Almeirim municipality, 01°28’48.2”S 52°28’31.4”W, A26L, 07.X.2003, P. de Marco & N. Ferreira-Jr., V. P. Alecrim det. 1 female, ethyl alcohol 70%, Roraima, Amajari municipality, Maracá Ecological Station, near Uraricoera river, 23.IX.1987, team Nhanhame colls., M.E. Lanzer-de-Souza, 1987 det.
Notes: This is the first record of B. dentatum to Roraima state (Brazil).
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Additional details
- Collection code
- IV, T , T , T, V , V , V, R, T , VI, T
- Event date
- 1956-08-01 , 1968-08-10 , 1976-03-26 , 1980-04-21 , 1986-11-30 , 1991-05-15 , 2001-12-03 , 2003-09-22 , 2004-02-29 , 2004-06-17
- Family
- Belostomatidae
- Genus
- Belostoma
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- AM 010 , AM010
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Mayr
- Species
- dentatum
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1956-08-01/2003-10-07 , 1968-08-10 , 1976-03-26 , 1980-04-21 , 1986-11-30 , 1991-05-15/16 , 2001-12-03/07 , 2003-09-22 , 2004-02-29 , 2004-06-17/24
- Taxonomic concept label
- Belostoma dentatum (Mayr, 1863) sec. Almeida, Stefanello & Hamada, 2019
- Mayr, G. 1863. Hemipterogische Studien. Die Belostomiden. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 13: 339 - 364.
- De Carlo, J. A. 1930. Familia Belostomidae, generos y especies para la Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad EntomolOgica Argentina, 3: 110 - 116.
- Morrone, J. J.; Mazzucconi, S. A. & Bachmann, A. O. 2004. Distributional patterns of Chacoan water bugs (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Micronectidae and Gerridae). Hydrobiologia, 523: 159 - 173.
- De Carlo, J. A. 1938. Los Belostomidos americanos. Anales del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ' Bernardino Rivadavia' Buenos Aires, 39 (155): 189 - 260, 7 pls.
- Ribeiro, J. R. I. 2005. Familia Belostomatidae Leach, 1815 (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera): chave e catalogo de identificacao para as especies ocorrentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 63: 247 - 262.
- Nieser, N. 1975. The water bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) of the Guyana region. Studies on the Fauna of Suriname and Other Guyanas, 16 (81): 88 - 128.
- Lauck, D. R. 1962. A monograph of the genus Belostoma (Hemiptera) Part I. Introduction to B. dentatum and subspinosum groups. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, 11 (3): 34 - 81.
- Montandon, A. L. 1895. Hemipteres Heteropteres. Premiere liste et descriptions d' especes nouvelles. Viaggio del Dott. A. Borelli nella Republica Argentina en el Paraguay. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino, 10: 1 - 10.
- Chernoff, B.; Willink, P. W. & Montambault, J. R. 2001. A biological assessment of the aquatic ecosystems of the Rio Paraguay basin, Alto Rio Paraguay, Paraguay. Washington, Conservation International. 156. (Rap Bulletin of Biological Assessment, 19).
- Ribeiro, J. R. I.; Estevez, A. L.; Moreira, F. F. F. & Guilbert, E. 2017. Revision of the Belostoma dentatum group sensu Nieser (Insecta, Heteroptera, Belostomatidae). Zootaxa, 4276 (2): 177 - 203.
- Ruffinelli, A. & Piran, A. A. 1959. Hemipteros heteropteros del Uruguai. Boletin de la Facultad de Agronomia de Montevideo, 51: 45 - 47.