Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

MOOCs and Artificial Intelligence - Potentials for the Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers

  • 1. Pontydysgu
  • 2. University of Bremen (Institute Technology and Education)
  • 1. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education
  • 2. Bern University of Teacher Education, Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation


Digital transformation is leading to pressure for vocational education and training in Europe to adapt. Teachers should prepare young people for the changing world of work but also provide social and civic education. At the same time, they should be able to use new digital and AI-based applications with confidence. In addition, they need general AI knowledge to participate as responsible citizens in the discussion about AI and ethical and social questions. The work of vocational educators significantly determines the quality of VET. Accordingly, the issue of the training and continuing education of VET teachers is of paramount importance to ensure the quality of VET. We look at Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as an innovation in the provision of professional development in AI for VET teachers and trainers.


Attwell, G., Roppertz, P. S., & Deitmer, L. (2021).pdf

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