Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
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Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J.-Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov.


Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques, Meyer, Jean-Yves (2017): Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J.-Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov. Adansonia 39 (1): 41-53, DOI: 10.5252/a2017n1a4



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