The effect of using facebook on improving English language writing skills and vocabulary enrichment among University of Jordan sophomore students
- 1. Jordan Food and Drug Administration, Jordan
- 2. Al- Balqa' Applied University, Jordan
This study aimed to investigate the effects of using Facebook on improving English Language Writing Skills and Vocabulary Enrichment among University of Jordan Sophomore Students, and to answer the study questions:
Are there any statistically significant differences (α=0.05) in the writing mean scores of sophomore students that can be attributed to the teaching method (i.e. Facebook vs. conventional)?
Are there any statistically significant differences (α=0.05) in the vocabulary mean score of sophomore students that can be attributed to the teaching method (i.e. Facebook vs. conventional)?
To achieve the study goals and to answer its questions, a random sample was selected which consisted of (30) sophomore students from the University of Jordan and distributed to experimental group (15) students and control group (15) students. The control group was taught by the conventional way, while the experimental group was taught by the use of Facebook. Data were collected and analyzed to answer the questions using the pre-test, post-test, means and standard deviations, MANCOVA to check differences on pre and posttest for the dimensions of the test, ANCOVA to check differences on pre and posttest for total score, Test /Re-test to check the internal reliability of the test using person correlation.
Results showed positive effect of using Facebook on improving the students’ writing skills and vocabulary enrichment of the experimental group, compared to the control group. Based on the results, the researcher recommended to focus on Facebook usage as a teaching and learning tool and motivating the teachers to adopt and apply Facebook in their writing and vocabulary teaching.
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