Published October 21, 2020 | Version v0.6.0
Software Open

EcologicalTraitData/traitdataform: Conforming v0.10 of the Ecological Trait-data Standard (ETS)


Major changes:

  • update internal terms to v0.10 of the Ecological Trait-data Standard (ETS). In ETS v0.10 the assignment of user-defined and standardised measurement values and trait and taxon assignments has been updated, to match labelling practice in DwC and provide a more intuitive content for those fields. Accordingly
  • the v0.9.1 terms scientificName, traitName, traitValue, and traitUnit have been renamed into verbatimScientificName, verbatimTraitName, verbatimTraitValue, and verbatimTraitUnit with new identifiers.
  • the terms scientificNameStd, traitNameStd, traitValueStd, and traitUnitStd have been renamed into scientificName, traitName, traitValue, and traitUnit and now form the default suggested content for trait data complying with the ETS. Definitions have been harmonized. The original *Std identifiers now resolve to these new terms.

This causes the output file to differ from earlier outputs. To maintain compatibility with earlier versions, an option conformsTo has been added to as.traitdata() to return the data table in terms of version 0.9. By default, output is returned in ETS version 0.10. Data releases created by traitdataform should always be labelled with the version of ETS that applies to the data!



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