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Published January 31, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D6.3 - Recommendations for Further Improvements


In order to deliver a well-functioning open industrial virtual data platform that will facilitate the
exchange and connection of data between different food safety actors who are interested in
sharing information critical to certification as specified in “The Food Safety Market” project
(TheFSM) granted in the EU H2020 programme, extensive piloting is required. Detailed pilot plans
are presented and discussed in Deliverable 6.1 and 6.2. The testing of the applications performed
in the pilots will be iterative and improvements can be made after each round. This deliverable
(D6.3) presents the recommendations for improvements on the pilot methodology and consists
of six sections. Since the piloting will start in 2021, at this time only recommendations can be
made for improvements of the initial pilot plans and documents.


D6.3 - Recommendations for Further Improvements_V1.0.pdf

Files (460.1 kB)