Published February 7, 2021 | Version v2
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Science of Traditions [200] مصطلح اهل الاثر علی شرح نخبة الفک



B 109. Size 10 in. by 51/2 in.; foll. 102. Nineteen lines in a page.

A Commentary on the preceding work, probably that of ‘ALÎ ḲÂRÎ (b. Sulṭân Muḥammad Harawî, d. A. H.1014), which is entitled:

مصطلح اهل الاثر علی شرح نخبة الفکر

Cf. Ḥ. Kh. vi. 316, and Bibl. Sprenger. 485.

This commentary contains the complete text of Ibn Ḥajar. Begins:

الحمدلله حمدا یوافی نعمه و یکافی مزیده

Well written. The colophon runs as follows:

نسخة الفقیر...اضعف عباد الله شریف ضیف1 الله بن المغفور المرحوم شر[یف] محمود الحسینی المکی بن المبرور المکروم (sic) شاه محمد خادم بیت الله الحرام غفر الله له ...وکان فراغه فی بلد الدکن یدپور فی ٢۹ ربیع الثانی سنة ١٠٥٢.

Some marginal notes.

Fol. 102v. An account of the seals of Muḥammad and his three successors, and of those of Abu Ḥanîfah, Abu Yûsuf, and Shaibânî, beginning: فی البستان لا ینقش محمد, and concluding: تم مختصر الوقایة (sic).

Cat. 224 (Osoole Hudeeth), ii.


1 Sic, r. صبغة or ضيف.




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