Published December 31, 2017
| Version v1
Journal article
First Record Of The "Small Cave Bear" In Bulgaria And The Taxonomic Status Of Bears Of The Ursus Savini Andrews - Ursus Rossicus Borissiak Group
- 1. National Museum of Natural History, 1 Tsar Osvobotitel Blv., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria; e-mail:,
- 2. National Archaeological Institute with Museum - BAS, 2 Saborna Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria; e-mail:
- 3. Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 2, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria; e-mail:
Spassov, Nikolai, Hristova, Latinka, Ivanova, Stefanka, Georgiev, Ivan (2017): First Record Of The "Small Cave Bear" In Bulgaria And The Taxonomic Status Of Bears Of The Ursus Savini Andrews - Ursus Rossicus Borissiak Group. Fossil Imprint 73 (3-4): 275-291, DOI: 10.2478/if-2017-0015
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