Published January 28, 2020 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D5.6 Report on application guidelines


  • 1. W3C


This document first explains the overall abstract concept behind SPECIAL. Because SPECIAL uses known technologies and extends them in specific ways, an implementer needs to understand the basic ideas behind it. This includes technical aspects, opportunistic benefiting from existing situations and hints on how to deal with certain legal requirements.

Because data protection and data processing potentially can cover every aspect of live, boundaries for the comprehensive approach have to be found. SPECIAL has chosen to use the approach via use cases. It has three industry partners and as many use cases. Two use cases concern location based services and one concerns a compliance mechanism in a highly regulated environment. SPECIAL also created a generic location based service to exemplify findings. This generic use case used the now common fitness bracelets that are monitoring your daily life.

Following the presentation of the general concept, this report takes a consulting approach by giving hints on where to start and how to prepare the grounds based on the use cases that were explored.



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European Commission
SPECIAL – Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance 731601