Published June 26, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lepidothyris Cope 1892

  • 1. Zoologie et Biologie animale, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé, BP 1515, Lomé (Togo) h _ segniagbeto @ yahoo. fr
  • 2. Laboratoire de Paludologie et Zoologie médicale, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Centre de Dakar, BP 1386, Dakar (Sénégal) jean-francois. trape @ ird. fr
  • 3. Zoologie et Biologie animale, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé, BP 1515, Lomé (Togo) kafiade @ gmail. com
  • 4. Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin (Germany) mo. roedel @ mfn-berlin. de
  • 5. Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB - UMR 7205 - CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, national d'Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, Département de Systématique & Évolution, case postale 30, 57 rue Cuvier, F- 75005 Paris (France) ohler @ mnhn. fr, adubois @ mnhn. fr, pdavid @ mnhn. fr
  • 6. Royal Museum for Central Africa, Department of African Zoology, Vertebrate Section, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren (Belgium) danny. meirte @ africamuseum. be
  • 7. Zoologie et Biologie animale, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé, BP 1515, Lomé (Togo)
  • 8. Delta Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation Unit, Department of Applied and Environmental Biology, Rivers State University of Science and Tecnology PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Rivers State (Nigeria) fapetrozzi @ gmail. com, lucamlu @ tin. it


Genus Lepidothyris Cope, 1892

Lepidothyris fernandi (Burton, 1836) (Fig. 4)

Tiliqua fernandi Burton, 1836: 62.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — 14 specimens: Togo. Badou, MNHN 2006.2243, ZMB 77925-77929; Notsé, MNHN 2006.2242; Badou, ZMB 77925-77929.

Bénin. No precise locality, MNHN 1986.768-769.

HABITATS, NATURAL HISTORY AND DISTRIBUTION. — Lepidothyris fernandi is essentially a forest species, although in Nigeria it may also be found in plantations at the border of the main forest (Akani et al. 2009). This species is usually active in the evening, and most of the specimens spend the whole day inside their burrows (Akani et al. 2009). Isopoda and Coleoptera dominated in the dietary samples of Nigerian specimens, but also other lizards were frequently eaten (at least in swamp forest habitat during the wet season; Eniang et al. 2014b). This species is here recorded for the first time from Togo, although many individuals (for instance, up to 1540 specimens between 2001 and 2005) are regularly exported every year for the pet trade. The genus attribution of this species follows Wagner et al. (2009).


Published as part of Segniagbeto, Gabriel Hoinsoude, Trape, Jean-François, Afiademanyo, Komlan M., Rödel, Mark-Oliver, Ohler, Annemarie, Dubois, Alain, David, Patrick, Meirte, Danny, Glitho, Isabelle Adolé, Petrozzi, Fabio & Luiselli, Luca, 2015, Checklist of the lizards of Togo (West Africa), with comments on systematics, distribution, ecology, and conservation, pp. 381-402 in Zoosystema 37 (2) on page 387, DOI: 10.5252/z2015n2a7,


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  • BURTON E. 1836. - A saurian reptile of the family Scincidae and of the genus Tiliqua, Gray. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1836: 62.
  • AKANI G. C., LUISELLI L., OGBEIBU A. E., UWAEGBU M. & EBERE N. 2009. - Activity patterns and habitat selection in a population of the African fire skink (Lygosoma fernandi) from the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Herpetological Journal 19: 207 - 211.
  • ENIANG E. A., AMADI N., PETROZZI F., VIGNOLI L., AKANI G. C. & LUISELLI L. 2014 b. - Inter-seasonal and inter-habitat variations in the diet of the African fire skink, Lygosoma fernandi, from southern Nigeria. Amphibia-Reptilia 35: 371 - 375.
  • WAGNER P., BOHME W., PAUWELS O. S. G. & SCHMITZ A. 2009. - A review of the African red-flanked skinks of the Lygosoma fernandi (Burton, 1836) species group (Squamata: Scincidae) and the role of climate change in their speciation. Zootaxa 2050: 1 - 30.