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Published March 2, 2021 | Version 1.0
Preprint Open

Gravitational potential energy equation to deduce Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution


  • 1. Power China Fujian Electric Power Engineering CO., LTD


For a long time, I have been interested in the normal distribution discovered by mathematician Gauss. There are also occasional applications in practical work. It is psychologically understandable that everything in nature is normally distributed, but it is not clear about its physical or philosophical essence. According to the article [1] (DOI 10.5281/zenodo. 4569171) " Perfect Universe Theory with Infinite Layers of Nesting and Differentiability", the complete momentum can be obtained by deriving the complete energy from the velocity, and the gravitational potential energy can be obtained by deriving the high-order term of the complete momentum from the velocity and multiplying by 2. The essence of these formulas are some special distribution functions. I found that the essence of the energy flow distribution is to replace v / c in the gravitational potential energy distribution with the square of v /c, and the energy flow distribution can be simplified to the standard normal distribution when the energy growth effect is ignored in the low-speed macroscopic condition. Considering the relationship between the potential energy and the average kinetic energy of the ideal gas in the closed volume, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution can be obtained. The gravitational potential energy distribution in this paper is a special gamma distribution whose domain of definition is extended to (- ∞, + ∞). The information entropy of gamma distribution defined on (0, + ∞) is positive, and the information entropy of gamma distribution defined on (- ∞, 0) is negative. The average value of the two is 1, which indicates that the universe is a whole and confirms the traditional Chinese Taoism philosophy of "the unity of human and nature".


长期以来,我对数学家高斯发现的正态分布很感兴趣。在实际工作中也有偶尔的应用,对自然界中的万物多呈现正态分布在心理上是理解的,但对其物理或哲学本质不甚了了。根据我发布预印版文章[1]( DOI 10.5281/zenodo. 4569171)《无限嵌套且无穷可微的完美宇宙理论》,完全能量对速率求导可得完全动量,完全动量的高次项对速度求导并乘以2可得万有引力势能,这些公式的本质都是一些特殊的分布函数。我发现,能流分布的本质是将万有引力势能分布中的v/c替换为v/c的平方,而能流分布在低速宏观条件下,可忽略能量的增长效应,就化简为标准正态分布,再考虑封闭体积内的理想气体的势能与平均动能的关系,可得到麦克斯韦-波尔兹曼速率分布。本文中的万有引力势能分布是一种定义域扩展到(-∞,+∞)的特殊gamma分布,(0,+∞)上定义的gamma分布其信息熵为正值,(-∞,0)上定义的gamma分布其信息熵为负值,两者的平均值为1,这表明宇宙是一个整体,印证了中国传统道家 "天人合一"的哲学思想。


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