Published December 31, 2020 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Reference Architecture - Human Exposome Assessment Platform (HEAP), Public Deliverable 10.1


This document provides guidance for the development and use of the Reference Architecture

within the Human Exposome Assessment Platform (HEAP). This document describes the

technical architecture, data and metadata flow and means for accessing data in the platform.

It informs of the tools required, the nature of work to be carried out and the required set of

components or contributors to be involved in developing the platform.

The architecture presented in this document and its implementation are coordinated within

the Secure Infrastructure for Big Data Work Package (WP10) and its aim is to develop an IaaS

(Infrastructure as a Service) platform for the HEAP Information Commons with the main

features storing and managing sensitive data. The platform will provide secure data storage

in a cloud environment and allow streaming of remote data for processing through a secure

data access mechanism.



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HEAP – Human Exposome Assessment Platform 874662
European Commission