IPBES Core Indicators - Harmonized Dataset
- 1. IPBES
- 2. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
Contact person:
Project members:
- 1. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center
- 2. University of Zurich
The 30 IPBES core indicators were approved by the MEP and Bureau during their seventh meeting held in June 2016 and presented during IPBES 5 (IPBES/5/5 [https://ipbes.net/sites/default/files/downloads/pdf/ipbes-5-5-en.pdf ] supplemented by IPBES/5/INF/5 [https://www.ipbes.net/sites/default/files/downloads/pdf/ipbes-5-inf-5.pdf ]), with the recommendation that the indicators be used within the global, regional, and thematic assessments. The indicators were a product of the first IPBES work programme spanning 2014 - 2019. In 2020, the technical support unit on knowledge and data harmonized the previous datasets collected. Two datasets were formed. The first described indicators available at the country scale, and the second indicators summarized or reported at the regional to global scale. The steps taken to standardize and clean the datasets are detailed in the report (IPBESCoreIndicatorsReport_final.pdf).
The data deposit package consists of these two harmonized datasets (CountryLevelData_Cleaned.csv and RegionalData_cleaned.csv), a zipped file with all fact sheets and storylines available (factsheets.zip), another zipped file with the original data provided from the previous technical support unit (Original_datasets.zip).
The file Summary_R_functions.txt contains an R script with two functions to summarize the data. The first function summarizes by indicator and the second by area respectively.