Published February 24, 2021 | Version 1.0
Presentation Open

CINECA webinar: FAIR software tools

  • 1. Netherlands eScience center


In this talk, I discussed the importance of the FAIR principles for the software tools we use to process data. Ranging from small analysis scripts to full fledged data processing pipelines, software needs to be FAIR to enable other researchers to reproduce our own experiments and reuse our software. However software and data are fundamentally different – software is executable in nature and may have intricate dependencies. FAIR principles apply differently to software than they do to data and we must be aware of these differences. Existing initiatives such as the RDA FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) working group ( and are already focused on addressing these differences and raising awareness of the importance of FAIR for software.


24022021 - CINECA webinar FAIR software tools.pdf

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