Caspiinae B. Dybowski 1913
- 1. Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B. Khmelnytsky Str. 15, 01030 Kiev, Ukraine.
- 2. Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics, Justus Liebig University, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26 - 32 IFZ, 35392 Giessen, Germany. tneub @ zo. jlug. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1398 - 9941 & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands.
- 3. Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B. Khmelnytsky Str. 15, 01030 Kiev, Ukraine. & Department of Cainozoic Deposits, Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. Gontchar Str. 55 b, 01054 Kiev, Ukraine.
- 4. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Emb. 1, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 5. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands. & Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Subfamily Caspiinae B. Dybowski, 1913
Diagnosis. Small (height up to c. 3 mm), conical to ovoid or occasionally globular shell with weakly to moderately convex whorls; umbilicus closed, chink-like or round and deep; aperture ovoid, with acute adapical tip; protoconch bears distinct, fine wrinkles and spiral threads; transition to teleoconch marked by distinct growth rim; rachidian tooth of radula with two pairs of basal cusps. Bursa copulatrix and seminal receptacle rs-1 absent in female genitals.
Remarks. The updated morphological diagnosis is based on previously collected data (especially concerning anatomy) as well as new information encountered during the present revision. The radula, characterised by two pairs of basal denticles on the rachidian tooth, differs from those found in the hydrobiid subfamily Pyrgulinae, which lacks basal cusps. In combination with anatomical characteristics, this traits was previously used to separate Caspiinae from Pyrgulinae and classify them as a distinct subfamily (Sitnikova & Starobogatov 1998). Hydrobiinae have one or two pairs of basal denticles on the rachidian tooth and have a bursa copulatrix and seminal receptacle, both of which are missing in Caspiinae. Boeters et al. (2015) reported the presence of rs- 2 in Clathrocaspia milae. Whether or not this feature is characteristic for any other Caspiinae is unknown at present and requires further study. Pyrgulinae have a bursa copulatrix; Turricaspiini, presently considered a tribe within Pyrgulinae (Anistratenko et al. 2019), have a seminal receptacle rs- 1 in addition (see Anistratenko 2008, 2013).
Currently, the suprageneric systematic classification of Caspiinae is based on morphology alone. However, a current study in progress using molecular data for C. knipowitschii suggests that Caspiinae form a distinct clade within Hydrobiidae (B. Csányi et al., unpublished data); its subfamily status is thus retained here.
Current systematics recognises three supra-specific taxa in the Caspiinae, i.e. Caspia, Clathrocaspia and Ulskia, which are variably treated as distinct genera (Neubauer et al. 2018; Wesselingh et al. 2019) or subgenera (Anistratenko et al. 2019). Here we follow the former approach and treat them as distinct genera. The three genera are differentiated based on details in the ornamentation of the protoconch and teleoconch. The key feature of Caspia is a superficially smooth shell occasionally with a single (or two) fine spiral keel(s) below the suture (Dybowski 1887 –1888; Logvinenko & Starobogatov 1969; Anistratenko et al. 2019). Clathrocaspia is characterised by a welldeveloped reticulate teleoconch sculpture (e.g. Logvinenko & Starobogatov 1969; Anistratenko 2013; Boeters et al. 2015). Ulskia groups species with a superficially smooth shell, a dome-like, comparatively large protoconch and a microsculpture on protoconch and teleoconch consisting of tiny rows of grains organised in spiral rows.
Minute species of the genus Andrusovia Brusina in Westerlund, 1903 are here attributed to the subfamily Caspiinae as well. Andrusovia has formerly been affiliated with a series of different families and even subclasses, including Valvatidae (Westerlund 1903), Planorbidae (Starobogatov 1970), Horatiidae (Starobogatov 2000) or Hydrobiidae (subfamily Belgrandiinae; Kantor & Sysoev 2006: 83). Although the valvatoid shells of Andrusovia strongly differ from those of Caspia, Ulskia and Clathrocaspia, the protoconch shares the unique type of growth and ornamentation typical among Caspiinae. Also, Andrusovia shares a similar type of spirally arranged teleoconch microsculpture with Ulskia. In addition, with an overall comparable size of the species involved, we consider these features evidence for grouping Andrusovia in Caspiinae.
The systematic list following below is ordered alphabetically after genus and species and includes (i) species presently considered accepted, (ii) species of doubtful identity (taxa inquirenda and nomina dubia), and (iii) species that have previously been affiliated with Caspiinae but do not belong in the subfamily according to the present revision.
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Additional details
- Family
- Hydrobiidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Littorinimorpha
- Phylum
- Mollusca
- Scientific name authorship
- B. Dybowski
- Taxon rank
- subFamily
- Taxonomic concept label
- Caspiinae Dybowski, 1913 sec. Anistratenko, Neubauer, Anistratenko, Kijashko & Wesselingh, 2021
- Dybowski, B. (1913) Ueber Kaspische Schnecken aus der Abteilung Turricaspiinae subfam. nova, zum Vergleich mit den Turribaicaliinae subfam. nova. Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. - Petersbourg, Sixieme Serie, 7 (16), 905 - 906.
- Sitnikova, T. Ya. & Starobogatov, Ya. I. (1998) Polovaya sistema i radula kaspiyskikh Pyrgulidae (podsemeystva Turricaspiinae i Caspiinae, Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 77 (12), 1357 - 1367.
- Boeters, H. D., Gl ˆ er, P., Georgiev, D. & Dedov, I. (2015) A new species of Caspia Clessin et W. Dybowski, 1887 (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Hydrobiidae) in the Danube of Bulgaria. Folia Malacologica, 23, 177 - 186. https: // doi. org / 10.12657 / folmal. 023.014
- Anistratenko, V. V., Anistratenko, O. Yu. & Kadolsky, D. (2019) Karl E. von Baer's collection of Caspian Sea molluscs stored in the Zoological Museum of Lviv University, Ukraine. Part 2. Type materials of gastropod species described by Stephan Clessin and Wladyslaw Dybowski in 1887 - 1888. Archiv fur Molluskenkunde, 148 (1), 35 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / arch. moll / 148 / 035 - 062
- Anistratenko, V. V. (2008) Evolutionary trends and relationships in hydrobiids (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) of the Azov-Black Sea Basin in the light of their comparative morphology and paleozoogeography. Zoosystematics and Evolution, 84 (2), 129 - 142. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / zoos. 200800001
- Anistratenko, V. V. (2013) On the taxonomic status of the highly endangered Ponto-Caspian gastropod genus Caspia (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae: Caspiinae). Journal of Natural History, 47 (1 - 2), 51 - 64. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2012.742934
- Neubauer, T. A., van de Velde, S., Yanina, T. A. & Wesselingh, F. P. (2018) A late Pleistocene gastropod fauna from the northern Caspian Sea with implications for Pontocaspian gastropod taxonomy. ZooKeys, 770, 43 - 103. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 770.25365
- Wesselingh, F. P., Neubauer, T. A., Anistratenko, V. V., Vinarski, M. V., Yanina, T., ter Poorten, J. J., Kijashko, P. V., Albrecht, C., Anistratenko, O. Yu., D'Hont, A., Frolov, P., Martinez Gandara, A., Gittenberger, A., Gogaladze, A., Karpinsky, M., Lattuada, M., Popa, L., Sands, A. F., van de Velde, S., Vandendorpe, J. & Wilke, T. (2019) Mollusc species from the Pontocaspian region - an expert opinion list. ZooKeys, 827, 31 - 124. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 827.31365
- Dybowski, W. (1887 - 1888) Die Gasteropoden-Fauna des Kaspischen Meeres. Nach der Sammlung des Akademikers Dr. K. E. v. Baer. Malakozoologische Blatter, Neue Folge, 10 (1 - 3), 1 - 64 (issue 1, 1887), 65 - 79 (issue 2, 1888), pls. 1 - 3 (issue 3, 1888).
- Logvinenko, B. M. & Starobogatov, Ya. I. (1969 [" 1968 "]) Mollusca. In: Birshtein, Y. A., Vinogradov, L. G., Kondakov, N. N., Kuhn, M. S., Astakhova, T. V. & Romanova, N. N. (Eds.), Atlas bespozvonochnykh Kaspiyskogo morya. Pishchevaya Promyshlennost (Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Institut Morskogo Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografii), Moskva, pp. 308 - 385.
- Westerlund, C. A. (1903) Methodus dispositionis Conchyliorum extramarinorum in Regione palaearctica viventium, familias, genera, subgenera et stirpes sistens. Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 151, 82 - 139.
- Starobogatov, Ya. I. (1970) Fauna mollyuskov i zoogeographicheskoye rayonirovaniye kontinental'nykh vodoemov zemnogo shara. Nauka, Leningrad, 372 pp.
- Starobogatov, Ya. I. (2000) Caspian endemic genus Andrusovia (Gastropoda Pectinibranchia Horatiidae). Ruthenica, 10 (1), 37 - 42.
- Kantor, Yu. I. & Sysoev, A. V. (2006) Morskiye i solonovatovodnyye bryukhonogiye mollyuski Rossii i sopredel'nykh stran: illyustrirovannyy katalog. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, 372 pp., 140 pls pp.