Published December 10, 2019 | Version V1.0
Project deliverable Open

SSHOC D4.16 Specification of the new features of the Aïoli platform


This is the first deliverable of the Task 4.6 “Semantic annotation of Heritage Science Data” within the WP4 “Innovations in Data Production”. This task focuses on the integration of an innovative web service for the reality-based 3D annotation of heritage artefacts within the SSHOC infrastructure. Designed within the general issue of the daily production of semantic-aware digital data for heritage sciences, the aïoli platform represents a relevant framework for the massive and large-scale collaborative documentation of cultural heritage artefacts. This deliverable presents the specification of the new features to be implemented into the platform within the framework of the SSHOC project. These specifications concern the technical robustness of the platform, the collaboration framework, the managing of controlled vocabularies, the compatibility with CIDOC- CRM, as well as the interlinking with other tools for visualising hypothetical reconstruction of archaeological sites.


This deliverable has been accepted by the European Commission on - 03 November 2020


D4.16 Specification of the new features of the Aïoli platform_18112019.pdf

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European Commission
SSHOC – Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 823782


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