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Published February 17, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Guidelines for the Selection of Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) Members

  • 1. European Landowners' Organization
  • 2. Agricultural University of Athens
  • 3. The James Hutton Institute
  • 4. Thünen Institute of Farm Economics


This guideline sets out the process for the selection of individuals to participate in the Multi-Actor Platforms associated with the UNISECO project. An EU-level and 15 case study scale Multi-Actor Platforms will be brought together for the duration of the project. Multi-actor engagement will be used to ensure the consistent application of transdisciplinary methods. This approach, embedded in the composition of the consortium partners, seeks to strengthen the capacity of the project partners, the stakeholders and end users to assess the sustainability of different agro-ecological approaches and to prioritise policy interventions. A key aim of the use of the MAPs is to operate without gaps between science and practice, and to provide an advisory framework that will support a “systems
An aim of this document is to ensure that partners will follow agreed steps in selecting and inviting appropriate stakeholders to participate in the platforms. It includes a range of actors at EU level (such as EU wide environmental NGO’s, sector organisations, policy makers and European Commission) and case study level (such as farmers, farm advisors and local and national authorities).
This Guideline sets out the:
i) purpose, aims and objectives of MAPs
ii) criteria for identifying actors
iii) procedure for selecting EU-Level MAP and Case Study MAP
iv) procedure to explain and inform MAP’s participants
v) management of MAP participation.
This provides a coherent and streamlined approach to the selection of members of the Multi-Actor Platforms in the UNISECO project. The purpose of the approach is to ensure that the UNISECO project addresses directly, and is relevant to, the real needs on the ground, and to ensure that people with different types of knowledge are included throughout the project’s lifetime and beyond.


UNISECO D7.1 Guidelines for the Selection of Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) Members publication.pdf

Additional details


UNISECO – Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU 773901
European Commission