Published February 17, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Experimental investigation of composite materials for sliding friction dampers: data, plots, photos and videos of the tests

  • 1. EPFL, RESSLab


Folder DATA

This folder contains the data acquired by testing the friction pads M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 under the following loading protocols:

  • Linear static loading (M);
  • Cyclic loading with constant amplitude (CA);
  • Cyclic loading with decreasing amplitude at low rate (DA);
  • Cyclic loading with increasing amplitude at low rate (IA);
  • Cyclic loading with increasing amplitude at moderate rate (IA-H);
  • Cyclic loading with increasing amplitude at high rate (IA-HH);
  • Pulse-like loading protocol (PL);
  • Mainshock-aftershock protocol (MS-AS): mainshock (MS), first aftershock (AS1) and second aftershock (AS2).

The data include:

  • Time: time (unit: second);
  • F: axial force experienced by the sliding friction damper (unit: kN);
  • N_bolt: bolt preload (unit: kN);
  • mu: friction coefficient of the considered pad (unit: dimensionless);
  • delta: axial displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper (unit: mm);
  • Cum. delta: total cumulative displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper (unit: mm);
  • Cum. E: total cumulative energy dissipated by the sliding friction damper (unit: kJ);
  • max Tin: maximum temperature tracked close to the sliding interface (unit: Celsius);
  • Tout: temperature tracked at the surface of the inner slotted plate (unit: Celsius).

 The data are organized as follows:

  • Folder T100

This folder contains the data acquired under the linear static loading protocol (M) for a tightening torque of 100 Nm. Each EXCEL file T100_M_Y saved in the folder T100 contains the data obtained by testing the friction pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) under the loading protocol M.

  • Folder T200

This folder contains the data acquired under the linear static loading protocol (M) for a tightening torque of 200 Nm. Each EXCEL file T200_M_Y saved in the folder T200 contains the data obtained by testing the friction pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) under the loading protocol M.

  • Folder Fs150

This folder contains the data acquired for an expected slip load of 150 kN. Each subfolder Fs150_X contains the data obtained under the loading protocol X (X = M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H). Each EXCEL file Fs150_X_Y saved in the subfolder Fs150_X contains the data obtained by testing the friction pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) under the loading protocol X.

  • Folder Fs300

This folder contains the data acquired for an expected slip load of 300 kN. Each subfolder Fs300_X contains the data obtained under the loading protocol X (X = M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H, IA-HH, PL, MS, AS1, AS2). Each EXCEL file Fs300_X_Y saved in the subfolder Fs300_X contains the data obtained by testing the friction pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) under the loading protocol X.


This folder contains the following photos:

  • Folder 01_FrictionDamper: photos of the sliding friction damper and its components.
  • Folder 02_Instrumentation: photos of the instrumentation used for the data acquisition during the experimental campaign.
  • Folder 03_FrictionPads:
    • Subfolder BeforeTesting: photos of the friction pads before the experimental campaign.
    • Subfolder AfterTesting: photos of the friction pads at the end of each loading protocol. The photo Fs150vs300_X_Y shows the condition of the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) at the end of the loading protocol X (X = M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H, IA-HH, PL, MS, AS1, AS2) performed for an expected slip load of 150 kN and 300 kN (the pads shown at the top of each photo are those tested for an expected slip load of 150 kN). Similarly, the photo Fs300_X_Y shows the condition of the pad Y at the end of the loading protocol X performed for an expected slip load of 300 kN.
  • Folder 04_Tests: photos taken from the east and north side of the sliding friction damper during the loading protocols that caused the fracture of the pads
    • Subfolder Fs150: photos taken during the tests conducted for an expected slip load of 150 kN. Each folder Fs150_X_Y contains the photos taken by testing the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M4, M5) during the loading protocol X (X = CA, DA, IA, IA-H).
    • Subfolder Fs300: photos taken during the tests conducted for an expected slip load of 300 kN. Each folder Fs300_X_Y contains the photos taken by testing the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M4, M5) during the loading protocol X (X = CA, IA, IA-H). A video was recorded live during the loading protocols IA-HH, PL, MS, AS1 and AS2 (see folder VIDEOS).

Folder PLOTS

This folder contains the following MATLAB plots:

  • Force-Disp: axial force – axial displacement response of the sliding friction damper;
  • Preload-CumDisp: bolt preload as a function of the total cumulative displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper;
  • FrictionCoeff-CumDisp: friction coefficient of the considered pad as a function of the total cumulative displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper;
  • Temp-CumDisp: rise in temperature as a function of the total cumulative displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper (the temperature values reported for the expected slip load of 150 kN correspond to “max Tin”, whereas those reported for the expected slip load of 300 kN correspond to “Tout”);
  • FrictionCoeff-LoadingHistoryEffect: friction coefficient of the considered pad as a function of the total cumulative displacement experienced by the sliding friction damper under different loading protocols;
  • FrictionCoeff-RateEffect: friction coefficient of the considered pad as a function of sliding velocity experienced by the sliding friction damper under different loading protocols;
  • FrictionCoeff-TempEffect: friction coefficient of the considered pad as a function of the rise in temperature tracked during different loading protocols;
  • FrictionCoeff-PressureDependency: mean and standard deviation of the friction coefficient of the considered pad obtained for different expected slip loads and loading protocols;
  • FrictionCoeffStaticDynamic-PressureDependency: mean of the static and dynamic friction coefficient of the considered pad obtained for different expected slip loads and loading protocols.

The MATLAB plots are organized as follows:

  • Folder T200

The MATLAB plots saved in this folder illustrate the data obtained by testing the friction pads M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 under the linear static loading protocol (M) for a tightening torque of 200 Nm.

  • Folder Fs150 and Fs300

The MATLAB plots saved in this folder illustrate the data obtained by testing the friction pads M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 under the considered loading protocol (M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H, IA-HH, PL, MS-AS) for an expected slip load of 150 kN and 300 kN.


This folder contains the following videos:

  • Folder T100: videos created from the photos taken during the tests conducted for a tightening torque of 100 Nm under the linear static loading protocol (M). The videos T100_M_Y_East and T100_M_Y_North show the test conducted on the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) from the east and north side of the sliding friction damper respectively.
  • Folder T200: videos created from the photos taken during the tests conducted for a tightening torque of 200 Nm under the linear static loading protocol (M). The videos T200_M_Y_East and T200_M_Y_North show the test conducted on the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) from the east and north side of the sliding friction damper respectively.
  • Folder Fs150: videos created from the photos taken during the tests conducted for an expected slip load of 150 kN. The videos Fs150_X_Y_East and Fs150_X_Y_North show the loading protocol X (X = M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H) applied to the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) from the east and north side of the sliding friction damper respectively.
  • Folder Fs300: videos created from the photos taken during the tests conducted for an expected slip load of 300 kN. The videos Fs300_X_Y_East and Fs300_X_Y_North show the loading protocol X (X = M, CA, DA, IA, IA-H) applied to the pad Y (Y = M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) from the east and north side of the sliding friction damper respectively. The videos obtained for the loading protocols IA-HH, PL, MS, AS1 and AS2 were recorded live during each test.


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Swiss National Science Foundation
Reduced-basis nonlinear models for simulating synergistic geometric instabilities in metal structures under extreme loading 200021_188476