Published May 1, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Supplementary Data

  • 1. University of Salamanca
  • 2. Cinvestav-IPN


Here we are sharing the supplementary data for the article: Saati-Santamaría, Z., Selem-Mojica, N., Peral-Aranega, E., Rivas, R., & García-Fraile, P. (2022). Unveiling the genomic potential of Pseudomonas type strains for discovering new natural products. Microbial genomics, 8(2). 

  • Supplementary Data 1: A spreadsheet with 4 tables: (Table S1) Accession numbers and genome characteristics of the genomes used in this study; (Table S2) summary of BGCs predicted for each of the genomes; (Table S3) proteins used for the conformation of the CentralDatabase for Evomining; (Table S4) AMP predictions.
  • Supplementary Data 2: A folder with all the .gbk files for the BGCs predicted by antismash. These files were used as input for BiG-SCAPE.
  • Supplementary Data 3: Different trees summarizing the distribution of BGCs in the Pseudomonas genus.
  • Supplementary Data 4: A file for the visualization of the BGCs-SSN in Cytoscape.
  • Supplementary Data 5: Different trees and tanglegrams in which the evolution of GCFs is depicted.
  • Supplementary Data 6: A file for the visualization of the AMPs-SSN in Cytoscape.

If needed, contact to Zaki Saati-Santamaría (


Supplementary Data 3.pdf

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