Published October 14, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Saropogon pittoproctus Loew 1873


Saropogon pittoproctus Loew, 1873

Figs 5, 27

Saropogon pittoproctus Loew, 1873: 124, type locality: Samarkand [Uzbekistan]; Engel 1930: 463; Lehr 1958: 187 (Kazakhstan); 1961: 130 (Kazakhstan); 1964b: 308 (Kazakhstan); Richter 1975: 339; Lehr 1988: 264.

Diagnosis. Body length 9.0–14.0 mm. Mystax macrosetae white. Face reddish yellow with silver greyish or golden tomentum as well as frons. Vertex shiny black. Ocellar and lower occipital setae, postocular setae and macrosetae white or yellowish. Antenna reddish yellow, but postpedicel reddish brown at apex. Palpus reddish yellow. Thorax reddish yellow, but scutum dark brown in dorsal view, with golden tomentum. Scutum with all setae and macrosetae yellowish. Scutellum usually with 2 yellow apical macrosetae. Legs reddish yellow, hind femur brown at apex; setae and macrosetae golden, some of them brownish on hind tarsomeres. Tergites I–III reddish yellow, from tergite IV they become reddish brown, last tergite sometimes can be dark brown. Hypopygium dark brown with brownish setae.

Specimens examined. Russia. Kalmykia, Yashkulsky Distr., 23 km SSE Hulhuta, [46 º 7’18’’N 46 º 36’24’’E], M. Proshchalykin, V. Loktionov, M. Mokrousov, 4♀ (BSU). Kazakhstan: Turkistan Reg., Shardara Distr., E Shardara, [41 º 15’30’’N 68 º 2’46’’E], 30.VII.1973, N. Kurzenko, 3♂, 2♀ (IBSS); south-eastern Kyzylkum, [41 º 47’8’’N 67 º 42’58’’E], 13.VI–7.VIII.1959, P. Lehr, 10♂, 15♀ (IBSS); same place, 9.VI–2.VII.1960, P. Lehr, 5♂, 6♀ (IBSS); same place, 2.VI–16.VII.1961, P. Lehr, 3♂, 1♀ (IBSS); same place, 7.VI–5.VIII.1961, G. Niko- laev, 13♂, 14♀ (IBSS); Kelessky Distr., Abay, [41 º 30’58’’N 69 º 9’42’’E], 2.VII.1958, P. Lehr, 1♂, 2♀ (IBSS); Betpakdala, [44 º 11’8’’N 69 º 11’46’’E], 28.VI–29.VII.1959, P. Lehr, 2♂, 3♀ (IBSS). Zhetisay Distr., Asykata, Syr Darya Riv., [40 º 55’45’’N 68 º 27’51’’E], 15.VIII.1961, G. Nikolaev, 1♀ (IBSS). Almaty Reg., Sartagoy, Charyn River, [43 o 47’55’’N 79 o 26’32’’E], 6.VII.1962, P. Lehr, 4♀ (IBSS); same place, 4–5.VII.1965, P. Lehr, 3♀ (IBSS); same place, 24.VI–3.VII.1966, P. Lehr, 1♂, 1♀ (IBSS); Ayakkalkan, [43 o 51’8’’N 78 o 24’9’’E], 11.VIII.1966, P. Lehr, 1♂, 1♀ (IBSS); Ili Riv., [44 o 17’47’’N 76 o 40’53’’E], 13–16.VII.1952, P. Lehr, 2♂, 1♀ (IBSS); Kapcha- gay, [43 o 50’19’’N 77 o 3’24’’E], 14.VII.1973, P. Lehr, 1♀ (IBSS); Aksu Distr., 11 km E Zhansugirov, [45 o 23’4’’N 79 o 40’29’’E], 17.VI.1969, P. Lehr, 1♂ (IBSS); Alakol Distr., Kabanbay, [45 o 51’23’’N 80 o 34’14’’E], 17.VI.1970, G. Nikolaev, 1♂ (IBSS); Usharal, [46 o 9’43’’N 80 o 55’32’’E], 17.VII.1964, P. Lehr, 1♂ (IBSS). Jambyl Reg., Chu River, Moiynkum, 30 km SW Ulanbel, [44 o 40’41’’N 70 o 52’56’’E], 16–17.VII.1972, P. Lehr, 1♂, 3♀ (IBSS); Moi- ynkum Distr., 8 km NW Moiynkum, [44 º 18’34’’N 72 º 50’59’’E], 6–18.VII.1975, V. Kazenas, 1♂, 1♀ (IBSS). East Kazakhstan Reg., [46 o 47’54’’N 81 o 36’51’’E], 26.VI.1963, P. Lehr, 4♂, 1♀ (IBSS). Mangyshlak, Mangystau Reg., Mangystau Distr., Ondy, [44 o 1’41’’N 52 o 26’13’’E], 20–21.VI.1961, V. Kazenas, 2♂, 1♀ (IBSS); Tupkaragan Distr., Fort Shevchenko, [44 o 29’1’’N 50 o 16’37’’E], 12.VII.1962, I. Scopina, 1♂ (IBSS). Uzbekistan: Nuratau Mount., Yamchisay, [40 º 14’10’’N 67 º 15’16’’E], 28.VI.1961, P. Lehr, 1♂ (IBSS). Turkmenistan: 10 km S Magtymguly, [38 º 20’45’’N 56 º 17’23’’E], 8–10.VI.1976, A. Lelej, 2♂, 1♀ (IBSS); same place, 9.VI.1976, N. Kurzenko, 2♂, 3♀ (IBSS). Bayramaly, [37 º 31’20’’N 62 º 17’1’’E], 9–17.VI.1968, A. Lelej, 2♂, 1♀ (IBSS). Anau, [37 º 48’47’’N 58 º 29’17’’E], 18.VI.1976, N. Kurzenko, 1♂ (IBSS). Western Karakum, Akhcha-Kuyma, [39 º 20’56’’N 55 º 10’6’’E], 2–6.VI.1976, N. Kurzenko & A. Lelej, 13♂, 7♀ (IBSS); same place, 1.VI.1985, N. Kurzenko, 2♂ (IBSS); same place, 1–6.VI.1988, P. Lehr, N. Kurzenko, A. Lelej, 5♂, 3♀ (IBSS). Farap, [39 º 10’38’’N 63 º 38’8’’E], 20.VI.1968, A. Lelej, 2♀ (IBSS). Dzhu-Dzhu-Klu, 50 km NE Tedzhen, [37 º 48’6’’N 61 º 24’0’’E], 24.V.1985, A. Lelej, 1♀ (IBSS). 5 km N Kushka, Morgunovka, [35 o 18’35’’N 62 o 17’51’’E], 27.V.1985, A. Lelej, 1♂ (IBSS). 60 km E Balkanabad, [39 º 36’46’’N 55 º 2’26’’E], 1–2.VI.1988, P. Lehr, N. Kurzenko, A. Lelej, 5♂, 10♀ (IBSS). Tajikistan: Khatlon Reg., Shaartuz, Dzharkurgan, [37º12’11’’N 68º12’10’’E], 10.V.2006, O. Pak, 2♀ (BSU).

Prey. Apidae (18), Chalcitidae (1) (both—Hymenoptera), Asilidae (Saropogon pittoproctus) (Diptera) (1) (Lehr 1961, 1964a); Halictus sp. (2) (Hymenoptera), Heteroptera (1), Diptera (1) (unpublished data).

Distribution. Russia [Kalmykia] (new record), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia,



Published as part of Sakhvon, Vital V., 2020, Review of the genus Saropogon Loew, 1847 (Diptera: Asilidae) from Russia Transcaucasia and Central Asia, with description of three new species, pp. 577-591 in Zootaxa 4860 (4) on pages 580-581, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4860.4.7,


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  • Loew, H. (1873) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insecten. In: Meigen, V. J. W., Beschreibung europaischer Dipteren. Dritter Band. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, pp. 1 - 320. [in German]
  • Lehr, P. A. (1958) To the biology and the meaning of Robber flies (Asilidae - Diptera). Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology of AS KSSR, VIII, 173 - 196. [in Russian]
  • Richter, V. F. (1975) Asilidae, Subfamily Dasypogoninae (Diptera). Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. Folia Entomologica Hungarica, XXVIII (2), 337 - 340.
  • Lehr, P. A. (1988) Family Asilidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 5: Athericidae- Asilidae. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 197 - 326.
  • Lehr, P. A. (1961) Overview of robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of southern Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the Kazakh research institute of plant protection, VI, 96 - 130. [in Russian]
  • Lehr, P. A. (1964 a) About nutrition and the role of robber flies. Proceedings of the Kazakh research institute of plant protection, VIII, 214 - 244. [in Russian]