Published February 12, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Household Rat Infestation in Urban Slum Populations: Development and Validation of a Predictive Score for Leptospirosis

  • 1. Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • 2. Fiocruz
  • 3. Secretaria de Saúde de Salvador
  • 4. Ministério da Saúde
  • 5. Yale School of Public Health


dataset of rodents captured between 2007 and 2009 in Pau da Lima, Salvador, Brazil, for development and validation of a predictive score for severe leptospirosis risk based on rat infestation signs and environmental features.


Codebook for the variables


D2TIPODOMI: type of domicile. Binary (1: residential; 2: residential/commercial)

D5MODIFEST: Has the building suffered any structural modifications since last sampling. Binary (0: No; 1: yes)

D6PERID: has the peridomicile suffered alterations since last sampling. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

D7LIXO: has the trash in the area been altered since last sampling. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

D8ESGOTO: has the sewers in the area been altered since last sampling. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

MODIF: modifications detected. Numeric (counts)

MODIF1: modifications detected. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P1TIPORUA: type of street. Categoric (1: dirt; 2: paved)

A3CAES: number of dogs. Numeric.

A4GATOS: number of cats. Numeric.

A5GALINHAS: number of chickens. Numeric.

A6OUTROS: other animals. Numeric

E1TIPOCONS: type of construction. Categoric (1: wood; 2: brick and mortar; 3: brick, mortar and plaster)

E2VAOSCHAO: gaps and holes in the floor. Categoric (1: 0; 2: 1-5; 2: 6-10; 3: 11-20; 4: 20+)

E3VAOSPARE: gaps and holes in the walls. Categoric (1: 0; 2: 1-5; 2: 6-10; 3: 11-20; 4: 20+)

E4VAOSTETO: gaps and holes in the ceiling. Categoric (1: 0; 2: 1-5; 2: 6-10; 3: 11-20; 4: 20+)

SP1PELAGEM: rat hairs found. Numeric

SP2FEZESRN: Norway rat feces found. Numeric

SP3FEZESRR: Black rat feces found. Numeric

SP4FEZESMD: Mus musculus feces. Numeric

SP9TOCAS: rodent burrows. Numeric

SP10TRILHA: rat run marks. Numeric

IE1BALDIO: area of vacant lots found within the buffer. Numeric (decimal)

IE2CASAABA: abandoned house. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P2TRANSITR: level of transit in the street. Categoric (1: high; 2: medium; 3: low)

P3AREAPAV: paved area around the domicile. Numeric (decimal)

CASOCONTRO: whether the household is a case or control household. Text.

P4AREATERR: area around the domicile without paving. Numeric (decimal)

P5LADEIRAT: close to an unpaved slope. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P6CERARBUS: presence of hedges. Numeric (decimal)

P7CERACUM: presence of multi-material/debris fence. Numeric (decimal)

P8CERCONST: presence of walled fence. Numeric (decimal)

P9GALPBANH: sheds and outhouses. Numeric

P10LIXOACE: accessible trash. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P11ALIMDIS: available food. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P12ALIMANI: pet food available. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P13AGUA: presence of water. Categoric (1: no; 2: puddles; 3: leaks)

P14MATCONS: presence of construction material. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P15ENTULHO: presence of debris. Binary (0: no; 1: yes)

P16INSERAB: abandoned furniture/objects. Numeric

P17FRUTIFE: fruit-bearing trees. Categoric (1: 0; 2: 1-5; 2: 6-10; 3: 11-20; 4: 20+)

P18ORNAMEN: ornamental trees. Categoric (1: 0; 2: 1-5; 2: 6-10; 3: 11-20; 4: 20+)

P19MATO: height, length and width of grassy patches. Numeric (decimal)

PESS: number of residents in the household


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