There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 9, 2021 | Version v0.5.1-beta
Software Open

gurkenlabs/litiengine: "No more Netcode" Release v0.5.1-beta


This release brings tons of bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements. Feature-wise, the highlight of this version is the addition of a Tweening framework that lets you interpolate values over time, e.g. to let your GuiComponents bounce or your Entities wiggle. As the engine's networking code had been an unmaintained, untested, and even unsafe mess, we have decided to remove the networking package entirely.

Our Discord server has seen some upgrades and we gladly welcome our first community moderator, Conifer! In order to give back some of your love, we have introduced some special roles for our forum and the Discord server:

  • @Supporter : Members that have supported us with donations.
  • @Contributor : Members that have contributed to our open source code repositories
  • @Early Bird : Members that have been part of our community since the Alpha days of LITIENGINE.

We try to assign these roles to the best of our knowledge, but if we forgot you - please don't hesitate to complain. :)

Apart from that, we've updated the sponsoring tiers in the LITIENGINE Open Collective, allowing you to support our work financially and with full transparency. We have also started a spreadshirt shop where you can buy all kinds of LITIENGINE related swag and promote the cause (feel free to suggest additional motives)!

As always, huge thanks to all contributors and fans! This is an exciting journey for us and we are grateful to share it with you.


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