Islamic Traditions [IO Islamic 2222] منبّهات
- Tradition.
- This manuscript is now IO Islamic 2222 in the India Office collections.
- [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 186 here with notations and hyperlinks].
2222. Size 71/2 in. by 41/2 in.; foll. 54. Fifteen lines in a page.
A short Collection of Traditions and Sentences, for devout purposes, styled منبّهات. It is ascribed here (and also in Stewart’s Catal. 159, xi.) to Ṣafî al-dîn Aḥmad b. ‘Alî, commonly called IBN ḤAJAR, but elsewhere to Aḥmad b. Muḥammad Ḥajarî. See Ḥ. Kh. vi. 161, and Catal. St. Petersb., 213, 5 (where the patronymic is pronounced الحُجْری). Which form of the name is correct, and whether one of the two famous Ibn Ḥajar is to be understood, is not ascertained. The work is divided into ten chapters, arranged by the numbers 1-10, so that the sentences contained in each chapter have a relation to its number by their structure and partition, or enumerate as many things, etc.
This copy begins:
الحمدلله اْلَّذی عَلَّمَ بِاْلْقَلَمِ عَلَّمَ الْإِنْسَانَ مَا لَمْ یَعْلَمْ1 و الصلوة و السلام علی نبیه محمد سید العرب و العجم فهذا الکتاب المسمی بالمنبهات تصنیف الشیخ السلام (sic) العالم العلامة زین القضاة شارح احادیث النبی صلعم صفی الملة و الدین احمد بن علی المعروف بابن حجر رحمة الله عفی عن (sic) و جمیع المسلمین آمین هذا مُنبِّهات علی الاستعداد لیوم المیعاد فان منها2 مثنی و ثلث (sic) و رباع الی عشار فاما ما یکون مثنی فمنه ما روی عن النبی الخ
As the exordium differs from that quoted in Ḥ. Kh., and from that of the following MS [Catalogue 187 = IO Islamic 1242]., none of them seems to be authentic.
Well written, by one Ya’ḳûb; of the twelfth century.
The last pages contain a saying of the Prophet, concerning the visits of the spirits of the deceased to their old haunts; an explanation of the word صوفی, in Persian, extracted from the کشف اللغات, etc.
1 Cf. Sû. 96, 4, 5.
2 ما یکون is added on the margin.
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